Chapter Three

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As we drove up the dirt road to the ranch I took in the scenery. I forgot how beautiful this place was. The ranch was our aunts, handed down to both of us but I moved away and told Jess to take it. Off to the right of us was a pasture with two horses grazing. To the left was another area where a few more horses were watching us curiously. To the left of the ranch was the stables.

"You never closed the stables?" I asked remembering the conversation last year about closing the ranch.

She shrugged as she pulled past the ranch and parked at the side where truck was parked.

"I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'd never have a stable filled with horses again if I did that."

"So, who does the work since you have a job near the boardwalk now?"

"It's not a job." She declared as she grabbed my bag from the backseat of her car. "It's a café and I own it."

We walked into the foyer, kicked off our shoes, and moved into her kitchen off to the right. The interior of the ranch was just as if it came out of a western magazine. The walls looked as if they were made from redwood logs, the flooring throughout the entire ranch was hardwood, and the furniture was either made from pure oak wood or framed in it. The couch frame was oak wood with thick cushions and back pillows. Same with the rocking chair and loveseat.

The stairs leading to the second floor were made from the same redwood as the walls, polished to a glossy shine. Entering the bedroom, she always said would be mine, she set my bag down by the bed and turned to me, sliding her hands into her jean pockets.

"You know, Cas, this place is just as much yours as it is mine. If you ever wanted to-"

"I know, Jess." I smiled knowing she was hinting at me moving back home. Every time she would travel up to New York to visit me, we would have the conversation at least once. Each time I always ended the conversation the same way. "I know. This just isn't home anymore."

"Maybe, but it'll always be here for you." She smiled, clapping her hands together with gleam in her eye. "Let's ride."

My forehead creased as my brows raised and eyes widened with excitement. It had been years since I've been on a horse. It was definitely something you don't get to do in New York City.

"I didn't bring-"

"Nonsense." She waved me off and left the room forcing me to follow her. I followed her into her bedroom where she began pulling out a pair of jeans, a tank top, a flannel shirt, socks, and then pulled a pair of cowboy boots out of her closet. She dropped the clothing down onto her bed and the boots on the floor in front of the bed. When my eyes caught the boots, I gasped in realization.

"Are these..." I reached down to pick up the boots. They were a creamy tan cowhide leather with fancy stitching, wide toe boots. They were my cowboy boots.

Looking at Jess standing at the foot of her bed, arms crossed with a smile, she nodded happily.

"You kept these?"

"I knew you'd be back eventually, even if it is just for a visit. Now get dressed, let's go."

I did just as she said. I slid on her clothing, thankful that we wear the same size in nearly everything. Her jeans were a little snug around my thighs, but they fit like a glove. Excited about being back on a horse, I grabbed my boots and hurried down to the foyer where I slid my feet into them, pulled them on and rushed out onto the porch.

I found Jess in the stables. She already had her horse saddled and ready to go. The second horse she was strapping a saddle to was beautiful. She was chestnut brown with a white spot on her side, her mane was beautifully groomed, the same chestnut brown as her fur. When I stepped into her line of vision, she began bouncing her head up and down as she pranced back and forth. She nickered at me, fighting to get closer to me. Startled at first, I looked at Jess waiting for her to take the reins and lead her back into her stall. She never did. What she did do was drop the reins and allowed the horse to prance towards me quickly while nickering and bobbing her head. When she reached me, she rested her head on my shoulder, blowing happily through her nose. In shock, I slowly brought my arm up under chin and to the side of her neck where I began petting her. Stepping backward so I could look her over, I noticed a white marking in between her eyes. Placing my hand flat on her head and running it down her snout, I smiled, feeling a warming sensation fill my chest and then it hit me.

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