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Rose POV
After the audition I had so much fun playing with Cheyenne, Kyle and Havan. I was outside the studio when I saw a girl looking at me smiling. I wave and smile back, I then saw Hava come outside.

Hava:what are you doing outside Rose and by the way you nail that audition I hope you Cheyenne and Kyle get the part.

Rose: me too, look there is a girl over there we should go talk to her.

Hava: ok.

We walk over to her and when we saw her face we were shock.

Hava: you, you hack in my Instagram account.

Rose: and pretend to be Hava on tiktok why.

Girl: please it's not me I will never do that to my favorite fan.

Hava: then why did you get banned from Instagram and tiktok?

Girl: I swear I know who did it but she frame me because I always say good things about your pictures and videos on Instagram and I was the one who sent you a invitation to Paris on your birthday.

Rose: I always dream of meeting you, you are so kind and wonderful but I didn't know you will do this to Hava.

Hava: yeah and I follow on Instagram and thanks for the good compliments and the ticket to paris.

Girl: no problem.

Rose : you said that you know the person who did it.

Girl: yeah and she threaten me.

Hava: I forgive you but who?

Girl: it's -

Dana: hey guys

Girl: I got to go bye.

Rose: wait-

She ran off.

Dana: you look really beautiful on that red carpet Hava.

Hava: thanks Dana.

Dana: was it your clothes?

Hava: what are you talking about?

Dana: there is no way you wear those type of clothes. If you're poor it's ok.

Rose: don't tell Hava that she is poor.

Dana: I didn't called her poor Rose,but maybe. Any ways I got to go because Luca said he have a present for me bye.

Hava:*whispered* whatever

Dana:what did you say?

Hava: I was talking to Rose.

Rose: yeah


Kyle: hey Rose.

Rose: hey guys.

Cheyenne: can you guys keep this a secret.

Everyone except Cheyenne:yes.

Cheyenne: ok, I have a crush on Terrance.

Hava: I knew it.

Rose: the way you two look at each other.

Kyle: and the way you smile and laugh.

HM: Hava lets go

Hava: coming, I will video call you guys when I reach home bye.

Rose, Kyle, Cheyenne: bye

In the car
Hava: mom you will never guess who I ran into today?

HM: who?

Hava: the girl who write good compliments about me and she was the one who send the ticket to go to Paris on my birthday.

HM: really, no way

Hava: and she is the one who hack into my account on Instagram and pretend to be me on tiktok.

HM: shut up. It's not her sweetie. She is too kind to do something like that.

Hava: She said it wasn't her and it was a girl who did it. And that girl threaten her.

HM: did she tell you who it was?

Hava: she was going to but she ran off.

HM: well are you going to investigate?

Hava: of course mom.

Hava POV
When we got home I took a shower, ate my dinner and started the zoom call on my laptop. (she sent the link to them so just pretend I mention that earlier)

✨Hava✨: hey guys

❤️Kyle❤️: hey

💜Cheye💜: hey. Wait who is Addi?

💖Addi💖: it's me Rose .

💜Cheye💜: ok, Rose tell me about the girl who said she isn't the who hacked into your account.

✨Hava✨: she was so shy and innocent, who will do such thing?

💖Addi💖: umm Hava someone post that you are a fake friend and telling people that your mother is poor.

✨Hava✨: WHAT!!!!!!

Hava's room door bursted open and her mom walk in the room.

Hm: what is this Hava?

Hava: mom I will never say that about you.

HM: I know Hava but we need to find this person and teach them a lesson they will never forget.

💖Addi💖: yeah she right. Tomorrow we have to find the girl and let her help us.

💜Cheye💜: yeah we are going to stand up to this country and be heroes and stop the rumors.

HM: you guys should probably go to bed it is literally 12:00am.

Hava: ok mom.

💖Addi💖: what is the plan Hava ?

✨Hava✨:we are going to pretend to be sick and not go to studio tomorrow and we will start looking for the girl.

💜Cheye💜: I hope that when we fine the scammer that country and the internet will believe us.

✨Hava✨: don't worry Cheyenne, they will. See you guys tomorrow.

Everyone except Hava: bye.

I was about to go to bed when I get a call my older sister Annie that went to college two years ago.

Annie: hey Hava. I can tell that you are not ok because I saw the rumor going around about you, I know that you will never called mom poor and you will never in your life be a fake friend. You are the best sister ever and you don't need a boyfriend for someone to tell you they love you because we always love you no matter what and stop saying Annie is the best sister ever, we both are the best sisters ever.

Hava:*crying and talking* thank you so much for that, I wish you were here with me right now, I just want to hug. I miss you so much and I'm trying my best to keep strong but I can't,I am not confident anymore. I'm sorry.

Annie: don't be, and I know that you have 3 new friends, and there is one more to be your friend. Hava I love you and miss you so much.  And promise me you will never give up.

Hava: I promise and I love you more.

Annie: I love you most. Bye I have to go and study. Remember I am always with you.

Hava: thanks bye.

Annie: bye.

After the talk with my sister I felt confident to find that that person who said those lies. I turn off the light and went to bed.

There is going to be a part 2 and Rose will be writing that one. It's Amoy not Rose .

Girl: me ( Amoy)
I hope you enjoy this chapter. I love you guys so much
Word count:1106

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