What you need - Howard "Chimney" Han

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It's 5 o' clock, you are finally done with work. You've been working from 9 to 5. You kind of hated your job, you didn't like sitting at a desk. You made an appointement with your life coach.
At your appointement she helped you find the job you wanted. You just had to fill in a form at home and tommorow you'd know what job you would love.

After your appointement you went to the bakery on the corner of your street. You ordered your favorite kind of bread and something sweet.
You were about to pay when you hear glass break.
When you looked, you saw that one man had thrown the other trough the glass. It reminded you of a scene from one of the Thor movies;).
The man who had thrown the other took of his mask and grabbed you. While he held a gun to your head, he was threathening to murder everyone in the bakery.
The other man had stood up and shot someone. The first thing you heard was someone say "CALL 911".
Somebody called 911 and help was on the way. You had kicked the guy who held a gun to your head and you went to the person who was shot.
"Hey, what's your name?" you asked. "Hi, I'm Charlie," the person answered. "Hi Charlie, help is on the way," you said trying to calm the person who couldn't be much older than 10 maybe 11.
You put pressure to the wound until the paramedics had arrived.
"Hey, hey , it's ok. You can let go now," a friendly woman told you. You did what she said and let go. The second you let go you felt dizzy. You almost fell. Ans Asian looking guy helped you up.
"Hey, what's your name?" he asked. "Y/N" you answered. You grabbed your head because it started to hurt. You fell again.
"Ok I got you. Y/N, I'll check you out right now," he said. "My name is Howard, by the way. You can call me Chimney,"
"Why Chimney," you asked. "I'll tell you later," Chimney answered.
"I see what's wrong," he said. You looked at him, waiting for an answer.
"You're single right?" he asked. You nodded and blushed a little. "You know what you need? You need to go out tonight," he said. Chimney gave youa piece of paper with his number on it. "My shift ends at 7PM," he said. Then he winked and dissapeared to help the others.


At quarter past 7 you decided to text Chimney.

Y/N: Still want to go out?

C: Yes, I'll pick you up @ 7:30:)

Y/n: Do you need my adress?

C: No, I have a friend at the LAPD;)

Y/N: Great, I'll wait for you:)


At exactly 7:30 your doorbell rang. You opend the door and saw Chimney. He hugged you and you immediatly melted in his arms. You felt safe.
"Ready to go," Chimney asked, holding out his hand.
"Yes, a really hot paramedic said I needed this," you smiled and took his hand.

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