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I woke up, not really knowing what time it was. But I was sitting down? I looked around a bit realizing and remembering where I was, but besides me the only other one there was Y/n.

Y/n was sitting on her same bean bag on her phone, it didn't seem like she noticed that I was awake yet.

"Hey." I quietly say, not wanting to startle her.

"Oh hey, you're awake." She said looking over to me, giving me a warm smile.

"Yeah, what time is it?" I ask rubbing my face with my hands.

"Um," she started looking down at her phone, then back to me, "it's almost 10 am, also here, I got some food earlier." She said handing me bag that had food in it.

"Oh, you didn't have to-" I started but she cut me off.

"No, it's really fine, I figured you would be hungry when you woke up because I was, so I just got you some too. There is also a water in there too."

"Thank.. you." I say looking up at her giving her a smile.

"So I assume you're also pretty confused?" She asked grabbing a water that was behind her.

"Yeah, where is everyone?" I ask grabbing out the sausage biscuits and water she got me.

"Well after Suna and Akaashi left you fell asleep, then Kuroo and Yaku wanted to leave and they didn't know to wake you up or not, so I said I would stay the night here with you." She took a drink of her water, "So you wouldn't have to skate home high and tired and stuff, so that's why you're here."

"Oh, really? You know I could've went home so you didn't have to stay here." I say taking a bite of the biscuit.

"Kenma, it's really fine. I don't mind, I was probably going to stay here anyways." She sat there for a bit, "Oh right! One sec.." she got up and went over to her desk and grabbed a small bag from it then walked over to me, "Here, Kuroo tried to take it but I stopped him." She said holding the little bag to me.

I paused for a second and looked at the bag, it was my weed.. fucking bastard, "Oh thank you.." I say taking the bag from her, it felt a bit heavier than it should've been, so I looked inside and saw more than I originally had, "Did you put more in here?"

She perked up at me in surprise, as if I wouldn't notice, it was kinda cute honestly, she just looked at me before bringing her knees up to her chest, "Well.. yeah.. it seemed like you didn't have much so I gave you some of mine.."

"Y/n.. you-" I stopped myself and decided to grab my bag and ask her, "Do you like monster by any chance?"

"Hmm? Yeah, why?" She said, looking at me, bringing her legs down to sit criss-cross.

"Well, which flavour do you want?" I say taking two monsters out of my bag, a Papillon Juice Monster, and a Ultra Watermelon Monster.

She just looked at me, "No Kenma I can't-"

"No seriously, you've done a lot for me and we just met.." I say, moving my beanbag and stuff closer to hers, "So pick your poison." I say giving her a smile.

"Ok, can I have the papillon?" She asked smiling back.

"Of course." I handed her the drink, and opened mine.

She took the drink and opened it, taking a sip, "Thank you, Kenma."

"I really should be thanking you, because seriously you've done a lot."

"I guess I'm just caring like that."

"Yeah, it's really nice.." I say kinda looking down at my drink.

"Hm? Why do you say that?" She said trying to look down at my face.

"Huh? Oh, well people don't really care that much I guess, so it's nice that someone did.. and you were that someone." I say looking up at her. I was staring into her e/c eyes. They were so beautiful, the way the light hit her eyes enough where it was almost like a sparkle. But it wasn't just her eyes that were beautiful, her whole face was just.. memorizing.. from her lips.. plump, slightly shiny from being wet from the drink.. her nose, perfectly fit for her face.. her cheeks, dusted with a light pink tint.. she was just beautiful.. but I was snapped out of my trace when she spoke.

"Aw.. I'm sorry about that Kenma.." she said, a hint of a sad tone to her voice.

"No, no, it's ok Y/n." I say waving my hand a bit, "It's really ok, I'm just glad that you did care.." I look over then back at her, "Hey, um, are doing anything today? Do you wanna like continue hanging out here or do you wanna go somewhere in town and hangout?"

"Um, that would be nice but I actually have to be at the school by noon to work on one of my art projects. It's about eleven fifteen, so I'll have to leave here soon.."

"Oh.. um, I could take you there? Like skate with you?"

She looked at me and lit up a bit, "Really?"

"Yeah, I could skate with you, then I'll just go home or something." I say smiling a bit. God, I've smiled a lot this morning.. but I just.. can't help it..

"Or you could come hangout in the club room with me, only if you want to though.." she said taking a small drink of the monster I gave her.

"Can I really? Nobody will mind?" I question, also taking a drink of mine.

"No one should, I actually think I'm going to be the only one there, the others usually don't go there on weekends."

"Then yeah, I'll hang out with you in the club room." I continue to give a small smile while she stands up.

"Ok," she walks over to me and holds her hand out to help me up. I grab her hand has she gives me a little help up. "Grab your stuff and we'll leave."

I nod my head. But her hand.. it was so nice.. the skin of her hand was a bit cool.. it was smooth and soft.. I wish I could hold it for longer.. but that's wishful thinking, I just met this girl last night.

I brush off the thought in my head and grab my bag, double checking I had everything, and I did.

Once I knew I had everything I told her I was ready and we went out of the room. She had locked it behind her, puting the keys in her pocket.

Once the door was locked we both turned on our flashlights and headed towards the stairs. As we walked, we walked in a calm silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, at least to me it wasn't.

As we approached the stairs we turned off our flashlights since the daylight was pouring in and we didn't need them anymore. We walked up the stairs and I was admiring the works of art on the walls as we climbed.

She questioned why I was looking at it so much and I just told her it was the coolest thing I've seen, which isn't a lie, the art was very impressive in the station. But then we reached the top of the stairs by the street.

We made our way on the street and got on our individual boards. Then we started our journey to the highschool.

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