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Gray and were done with chlotes shopping so went to buy some ice cream. He offered to pay, do I was waiting outside.

-Hey pretty ladie
A guy said.
-Excuse me?
I said and was shocked
-Can I have your number?
The boy said. Now the boy wasn't ugly. He had green eyes, curly black hair and he was tall. But he wasn't my type, and I was in love with another.
-Um I-
I didn't jnow what to say, I was uncomftarble.
-Oh come on pretty ladie, give me your number and Ill take you on a date.
He said and winked.
I just stood there not knowing that to say.

Grayson's pov:

I was leaving the shop, and I saw y/n talking to a guy. I looked at her and she was uncomftarble, so I walked over to her.

-Who are you?
I asked.
-Im the guy who is gonna take her on a date
He said and smirked
-No you won't
I said.
-And why is that?
He said.
-Im her boyfriend
I said
-Are you?
He said not beliving me.
-Yes I am.
-Then kiss her
He said and I was a bit shocked but decided to do it.
I looked at y/n and kissed her, she pulled away and smiled.
I looked at the guy and he was angry
-Fuck you.
He said and angrly walked away.
I looked at y/n and she huged me.
-What is this for?
I asked and wraped my arms around her.
-This is for everything.
She said, I could hear her smiling
I smiled and huged her tight.

Y/n's pov:

He kissed me... i was so fucking shocked but kissed him back.
It was so good, his soft lips connecting with mine. I pulled away and looked at him. I didn't even notice the guy walk away. I was too busy looking  at Gray.
I hugged him tight, and he wraped his arms around me
-What is this for?
He asked.
-This is for everything.
I said with a smile on my face.
He huged me tightly.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I pulled away from Grayson and turned around. It was Niki and the boys, Niki had a giant smile on her face.

I said, the boys looked at Grayson with a proud look on their faces.
-Can I talk to you for a sec y/n?
Alex said. Oh fuck.
I said and walked away
-Is something wrong?
I asked
-Yes y/n everything is wrong.
He said with a angry look on his face.
Fuck i am in trouble. I said to myself, he looked at me.
-Why didn't you tell me you like Grayson? What the fuck? I am your brother I was suposed to be the first one to know!
He said.
-Are you mad?
I asked
-no y/n I am fucking..... HAPPY!
He said and huged me.
-My sis is growing up
He said and I laughed at his happines.
We walked over to others and I had a big smile on my face.
Well that went great!

We got into our cars and drove home.
The others were pretty tired since we had a long day.
I wasn't tired by I just kissed my fucking crush. I was in the car with Wilbur, Niki and Grayson.

We got home and everybody went to their rooms including me and Grayson.

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