The end

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It has been a week since Adrian and marrinet have started dating, and found out each other's identities

Adrian stops at marrinets house to surprise her

Adrian: hey beautiful

Marrinet: your looking as handsome as ever, what are you doing here

Adrian: I can't stop thinking about my lady

Marrinet: so do you want to tell people that Adrian and me are dating or that me and chat noir are dating it is completely up to you, I'm in love with both parts of you

Adrian: we can say Adrian and marrinet are dating. But as ladybug and chat noir are also dating

Marrinet: that sounds amazing

Adrian walks over to her and kisses her. They have both never been so happy to be around someone before. Never such a strong attraction

Adrian: I never thought this day would come my lady

Marrinet: me either my kitty........

They go up to the roof to look at the Stars

Marrinet brought a blanket up to the roof with her to lay onto the roof so they can lay side by side to look up at the stars

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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