Chapter 5: school pres. election part 1

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"hey Maria and Blake can I count on you guys votes" Harley asked the two friends," well of course you can count on us" they both said as they walked away," this is great I might actually win this election" Harley said," well duh no one likes Amelia except her puppet Keisha and to be honest Keisha doesn't have a brain for her self and might vote for you" Isabella said while stating the facts," would that really be such a bad thing" Harley said, "when you win can be your Vice president? "Isabella asked her friend," obviously Isabella your my friend duh" Harley said," soo  can you  make Tuesday veggie day" Isabella asked," Maybe oh its time for e.l.a with Mr. Woods" Harley said," Where are Denise and Rachel?" Isabella asked," Oh there already in class" Harley said," Ok come on lets go Izzy" Harley said," Right behind you" Isabella said.

                       *They went into the class room but didn't see Mr. Woods*

"hey Denise where's Mr. woods at he is suppose to be here right now" Harley said," I dunno but something special is suppose to happen" Denise said," Maybe i-" before Isabella could finish her sentence some came into the class and said," Hello everyone It is me Amelia Eton And today I've brought my maid here from home to give all some fresh baked cookies flown in from the best bakery in Paris" Amelia bragged about," eww cookies have so many carbs" Sasha whispered to herself," Why would I want a cookies with your face on it" Isabella said," Well your not getting a cookie Isabella so zip it as for everyone else enjoy the cookies" Amelia said everyone was eating the cookies well mostly everyone," These cookies are the best in the world" Keisha said," Oh this class is very dusty I will clean it now "The maid said, "these cookies are delicious Amelia" rick said, "rick your hashtag team Harley" Isabella pointed out, "oh yea sorry" rick said but counited to eat it in private," I hope I can count on everyone's votes to help me win" Amelia said with passion," probably not but thanks for the cookies" James said Amelia quickly looked at him and then stopped," These cookies are great I hope you win" Sasha said pretending she was happy for her friend," I'm gonna ruin her campaign" Sasha said quietly while secretly destroying the cookie.

                  *meanwhile with Harley, Isabella, Rachel, Denise, and Rick*

"Thanks for coming here rick to help us with this" Isabella said, "No problem" Rick said," Can you change the fount rick this doesn't scream winner!" Rachel said," No this is a very good fount I just need to print 200 more!" Rick said," What 200 more mann!!" said Rachel and Denise while being sad about it while Harley and Isabella but them in there holders, "aww guys I love this Idea" Harley said to her friends, "well I thought that since that Over size Cinderella gave everyone cookies I thought we do something original" Isabella said as told her friends the reasons she did that," But Izzy are you sure this is going to one up cookies" Denise told Isabella," No probably not those cookies were very good and they were from Paris!" Rick said as bragged about how good they were," Shut up rick" Isabella said," but think about it when you eat a cookie you forget about them Immediately but when you have someone face on your chest your always remined of them what is this pin button button pin I don't know" Isabella said while they were talking they heard foot steps," guys did you hear that?" Rick said," Yeah I heard that maybe someone's at the door" Denise said," oh no I have foot step sounds its probably that" Rachel told them," yeah your right" Rick said, "Yeah maybe its nothing" Denise said as she brushed it off.

                                              *Meanwhile with Keisha and Amelia*

"What did you see Keisha if Harley wins this election she will be popular and I,I mean we won't be the popular kids anymore cause it will be them not us" Amelia said sadly as fearing they will be popular," Omg that's like so bad and all I saw they all made pin buttons to give to the students or is it pin button or both" Keisha told Amelia," Really pin buttons Keisha come with me" Amelia order while walking," Ok where are we going?" Keisha asked nicely," Just somewhere" Amelia told her friend but then they got stopped by the Guard of the school(Sorry I couldn't find a proper name)," Amelia you can't be out alone" The guard explained to the girls," Oh don't worry we just need something and plus I got my friend to come with me" Amelia told the guard," Well.....Ok you can go out but be back in an hour" The guard told them," Oh will be back Before you know it" Amelia said to the guard but whispered to herself, "To beat Harley and her friends that's right" Amelia whispered then her and Keisha went to the place. to get some special Items for Amelia's campaign.

Authors note

Soo guys this will be in parts since its hard to do in a one sitting matter and I need some Ideas for the next part of this chapter soo I would appreciate if you commented Your Ideas for the next I really appreciate it 3hrs 34minutes

love, jess

P.S : I hope y'all are doing great today also chapter 6 I'm working on it so yeah very good but also rest in peace prince Phillip June 10, 1921-April 9,2021 99 yrs old since the funeral will be broadcast live where I live The next chapter will be delayed just to pay a respects to the British royal family(Fun fact: The prince married Queen Elizabeth II five years before she became queen – but when she was crowned, he wasn't given the title of king. That's because Prince Philip, who is actually a former prince of Denmark and Greece, was never in line to the British throne so that's why he is a consort and the longest serving consort in British history not a king).

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