Ishu Asks...

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The person, which some of you know as Luna, waved "Hey, welcome back! I just found out who's next. Everyone, give it up for Ayato Sakamaki and Azusa Mukami!"

One politely smiled and waved while the other sat there with crossed arms. Luna creaked her throat "How are you guys doin' so far?"

Azusa lift his head "I'm...Fine.." Luna nodded and then looked to Ayato. He shrugged "I'm good. Can we hurry this up, I don't like being near him and not with Pancake" The person rolled their eyes and then looked to their clipboard "Ok, this one is more of a request slash idea. It's from Ishu! A good Friend of mine. She said: Hmm, let's see, you know me Lun. Ooh! She got an Ide--Get to the point"

Luna scowled at Ayato and then looekd back to their clipboard "She said: Soo, basically, you and me are BFF's in School. We walk in the School as cool girls. Ooh~" Luna wiggled her bows and laughed while Azusa gave off a smile. Ayato then burst out laughing "You! And them? Cool? Give me a break!"

Luna flipped him off "Be quiet, Ayato! You red headed bitch! Ah, I'm so sorry, Azusa. You don't need to hear this" The boy shook his head "It's...Alright, I'm..Fine" Luna sat a hand on her chest "Such a precious Babe.."

"I'm a precious Babe--No you're not"

Luna cleared their throat "Child, anywasss..." She slimmed it down "Its a DL story, the reason you two are here. So, Ayato has in interest in Ishu and Azusa has an interest in me. We then go on a double Date"

 We then go on a double Date"

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The two Boys nodded along

Luna sat her clipboard down in her lap "What do you two think about that?"

Azusa went to speak first but Ayato held his hand up "First off..."

"How big is her chest?"

Luna deadpan while Azusa frowned. Ayato looked back and forth at them and shrugged "What?!" Luna crossed her arms "Ayato, you don't just ask that. That's like saying 'Are you the best of the best'"

Ayato scoffed "Hell, I am. Now answer the question" Luna threw a pen at him but all he did was dodge it "She is a very pretty girl. I think if you looked past body type, you might like her. She's very nice"

The red head huffed "Nice isn't gonna cut it. Her blood better taste good" Luna shook her head at him and then looked to the Mukami "What do you think Azusa?" She passed Ayato a Cookie to make sure he wouldn't interrupt, which he gladly took.

Azusa tapped his fingers together "I...Wouldn't mind. I enjoy...Your company" The person cupped their hands "Aww, you adorable little thing. Here, you get a cookie too" Azusa watched as she passed him one "But...Being near him.." He pointed to Ayato "It would be...Difficult. He never...Pays attention.."

Ayato rolled his eyes while Luna smiled at them both "Yeah, it doesn't seem like a bad idea. It could be done, Ishu. We shall see" Luna looked back to the boys "Actually, Ishu seems to be having a bad day and she needs some encouraging words. Boys, whatcha got to say?" Azusa gave the screen a thumbs up "Get...Better.." Ayato looked to the screen and swallowed down his cookie "Look, get over yourself. You're just getting yourself in even more of a fucked up state" Luna rolled her eyes "But, hey," He smirked "Maybe I could take up that Date offer, I like feisty girls" Luna blinked rapidly and glanced to Azusa as he slid out his seat. He shrugged back at her while she shrugged back She then waved to the two boys as they stood "I hope you both stay safe!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever"

Azusa waved back while Ayato left first

Luna looked back to the screen "Now, we wait for the next one"

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