Grandfather Paradox

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 Ollie looked at his watch, "I think it is time?"

Izzy looked at Ollie, "Time for what?"

Zayto nodded, "I don't know much about your culture but back home it never went well when an artifact was destroyed."

Javi exhaled sharply. "So we are going to apologize?"

Amelia nodded, "Publicly as rangers. I set up a press conference after you two left earlier."

Izzy jumped, "SO do we get to morph again?"

Zayto nodded, "Always. people can't know who we are."

Morphing they teleported to the museum where Buzz Blast had cameras set up and Warden Garcia, as well as a member of the mayor's cabinet, were already there.

Izzy halted, "You could have warned us that Dad was going to be here. what if he recognizes our voices."

Ollie leaned back, just deepen your voice and you will be fine. The suit will do the rest. if you don't try and deepen your voice it won't work and might be a little awkward. I had a close call with my mom."

Izzy nodded and replied with a deep voice, "Got it."

Amelia shook her head, "Maybe not that deep. you don't want to make it sound like you are forcing it. It might even work if you raise it slightly if deepening is not comfortable for you to do."

Izzy shook her head, "I don't want to sound like a soprano if you get my drift."

Amelia shook her head, "Just figure it out or refrain from speaking. Your dad might not even notice."

Warden Garcia walked over to the rangers and gave them a second glance before counting, one, two, three... four, five. since when has there been five of you?"

Zayto nodded, "It will be covered in the release sir."

They got into formation with Ollie and Amelia to Zayto's right and Javi and Izzy to the left with Ollie and Javi standing slightly behind Amelia and Izzy with Zayto half a step in front of Amelia and Izzy.

Warden Garcia came and stood next to Amelia while the Mayor's representative stood next to Izzy.

The camera person indicated that they were about to go live.

"This afternoon a new villain calling himself Boom Tower with the aid of two Sporix beasts, Mucus and Dragnarock attempted to steal an artifact from the Pine Ridge Museum. While our initial attempts to thwart the thefts were less than successful we were able to prevent him from obtaining the Nephrite Orb here at the Museum with the help of a Citizen who goes by the name Javier Garcia." Zayto announced to the reporter."

Ollie side glanced without moving his helmet towards Javi sensing that the black ranger was tense about his full name having been used.

"Javier was able to keep the orb away from the monsters through some means that while effective was not the most legal. His efforts should not be punished but instead, be celebrated for his efforts. After retrieving the orb from him. We tried our hardest to prevent Boom Tower from reclaiming the orb having found us out in the woods. We made the hard decision to break the orb knowing that if the orb was to remain intact that Boom tower would just keep trying to steal it no matter how hard we tried to protect it. One good or rather two good things that did come out of the orb being broken is that the resulting energy was enough to wake two of my fellow rangers. I present to you the Green and Black rangers. Long ago they fought bravely by my side when the Sporix first came to your planet and today they fight alongside me once again. Our team is all the stronger for it and know that we will do all that we can to prevent your town from being taken over by the Sporix." Zayto finished.

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