Chapter 3

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*Thomas's POV*

The door was almost shut and I didn't think I'd make it. I quickly ran and slide on the floor. I made it under just in time before it shut completely. I turned and saw Janson and quickly flipped him off before we got to the exit door. 

We ran through what looked like complete desert. We finally found a building and decided to hide out for a bit. "What's our plan now?" Winston asked us. 

"We're going to find the Right Arm." I kept speaking. 

"The Right Arm?" Frypan asked. 

"Janson said there were people hiding in the mountains." I explained to the guys.

"So mountain people, that's our plan?" I nodded my head. Everyone knew we didn't really have many other options. We had to try something. Everyone laid down to get some rest before the sun came back up, but I noticed Newt was still awake. 

"Thomas, those people we left behind, I don't want to be like that. I don't want Stacey to end up like them." Newt looked over at me. 

"We won't I promise. Once we find the Right Arm we will get Stacey back, but right now we are completely out numbered." I could see he was worried. In all honestly I think we all were, but we couldn't have stayed there. 

*Stacey's POV*

I continued to do my work until Ava and Janson walked in. "Your friends are brave, but we'll find them." I tried to not let this bug me, but it was so hard. "Newt will come back for you when he hears you're dead."

"They won't believe you. They're gonna get somewhere safe, away from you." I stopped working and stared down at the table. "You told me you wouldn't hurt them if I did what you asked. Leave them be, I've done everything you've asked of me.

"They'll be back." I turned to look at her and could see a huge smile appear on her face.

Is she right? Would they come back?


The next morning I was woken up by guards barging into my room. I quickly jumped up from my sleep, but before I could get to my feet two guards were tying my hands together behind my back. I fought against them, trying my hardest to get from their grip, but it was no use. "Where are you taking me!" I shouted at them.

"Ava's orders. She wants you locked up immediately and to stop doing work for her. She doesn't seem to trust you since those little friends of yours escaped the compound." They led me out of my room and down multiple different hallways. A few turns later we came to a room and they quickly shoved me in. They stood right behind me, blocking the door. I then saw Ava approach from behind and they let her in. 

"Tie her to the bed." Ava ordered and they did as told. I continued to fight them off, but they were well stronger than me and it was 3 against 1 at this point. Once both of my hands and feet were tied down a doctor entered the room and walked over to Ava. They started whispering about something, but I couldn't hear what it was. The doctor pulled out a needle, an IV, and started to look for a vein to put it in. I tried getting my hands loose, but it was no use.

"What are you doing to me?" Ava came over to the bed and smiled down at me.

"I'm going to ask you a few simple questions, I hope you answer truthfully, because if not this IV will inject a serum that will slowly kill you." I pulled at the ties around my hands, but it seemed to become tighter. "Question 1, where are your friends headed?"

"I don't know." The doctor pressed a button and I saw the serum pour through the IV. 

"I believe you do. You seemed to help them escape and you stayed behind so it wouldn't look suspicious and you could keep us distracted while they left." She spoke in a calm, but loud voice.

"Now why would I risk my life to stay here while my friends and the person I love most escape?" I could feel tears form in my eyes, but they weren't tears of sadness.

"That is what we are trying to figure out. Why not leave one of the others? Someone who isn't as important as you are?" She continued to go on.

"Everyone is important in that group. I didn't know they were leaving. If I did I sure as hell wouldn't have stayed in this shit hole." I spat.

Ava nodded over to the doctor and he pushed the button releasing more serum into my blood stream. "Do you still have contact with them?"

"No! I don't even know where they are headed! Even then you would know if I was contacting them!" I was getting angry and started to shout. The doctor pushed the button again, adding another small dose of the serum. 

"That's the last question for now. I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully you'll answer my questions truthfully. Until then don't get too comfortable, this is only the beginning." When she finished speaking the nurse took the IV out of my arm and left. "Try and think about where they might be headed. You're not too important to lose my dear." She said before I was left alone in the room. 

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