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"It's a shocker we got invited to something like this, isn't it, Ouma?" Komaeda dug his hands in his pockets to avoid the freezing air getting to them.

Kokichi shivered a little, his usual attire not being the warmest outfit for the climate. It was snowing- quite fast in fact. Nagito did have sensitive skin, but that's the purpose of his jacket. Sure, Ouma's heavy scarf was there to do its job but it wasn't keeping him warm enough.

Kokichi faked a small smile and giggled, "Y-Yeah! It sure is-" a car sped by suddenly, the tires slamming against a pile of snow next to a curb, causing the snow to spray outwards.

The snow didn't even manage to touch Nagito- almost as if he had an invisible shield over him. Kokichi on the other hand winced in pain as the snow covered him. His shirt was immediately soaked in the freezing powder. Kokichi finally gave out, clenching his teeth and letting tears fall. Nagito turned immediately to look at the car and glared in its direction, cursing under his breath. He turned to Ouma again and sighed, a wave of guilt washing over him. "I-I'm sorry, Kokichi-chan, that was my fault." Nagito said immediately. Kokichi snapped his eyes up to Nagito and made eye contact with him.

"Stop it already! It's never your fault- stop listening to that asshole Hajime and think about what I say for five seconds!" Kokichi cried out, shivering violently at the cold. Nagito felt a stab of heartbreak in his chest. He immediately felt the wave of guilt grow as he removed his jacket from Kokichi and threw it over his shoulders.

He took off Kokichi's drenched scarf and held it in his hand. Kokichi almost immediately stopped shivering as the jacket felt like an electrically heated blanket. "Why is it so warm..?" Kokichi thought to himself, trying to make it less obvious he loved the jacket. He was tempted to snuggle into it but he decided against it as he looked back up at Nagito. "T-Thank you.. let's get going again, you're going to get cold soon and we're going to be late."

Nagito smiled a little and began to walk with Kokichi again. "Er, as I was saying, it's shocking that we got invited to something like this. I mean... I'm still not sure who invited us, but still," Nagito chuckled a little and Kokichi smiled. "I think Gonta and Mahiru did. The invite was written in third person and cursive." Kokichi chuckled and Nagito smiled. "Ah, no wonder. The only two people ever decent to us. I'm thankful for friends like them honestly, it seems like half the time I'm avoided. I understand why though, I can be very annoying."

Kokichi frowned a little and coughed up a small laugh. "Yeah... avoided.."

Finally as they approached the party, which was taking place at Byakuya's mansion, Nagito paused at the door and glanced at Kokichi. "Are you going to be okay in there? I'm sure Junko or Celeste has a change of clothes for you-" "JUNKO AND CELESTE? Are you trying to put me in a skirt, Nagito-kun?" Kokichi pouted and half-glared at the 5'11 man towering over him.

Nagito chuckled and a very faint blush crossed his nose. "N-No! That's not what I meant! The girls usually have a change of clothes more often than the boys! T-Though, we can always ask Byakuya as well! Considering your size though, the girls might have something that fits you better," Nagito raised his hands in defense.

Kokichi huffed and crossed his arms, a small blush on his face as well. Nagito pushed the doors open and were immediately met with a Mansion full of students, friends, family, and everyone else.

Angie ran up to Nagito and Kokichi, giving them both a huge hug. "ATUA WISHES YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, KOMAEDA AND OUMA-KUNS!" Angie skipped off, giggling. Her Santa-inspired outfit jingling as she skipped.

Kokichi smiled at her as she skipped off, but suddenly felt two hands slip under his arms and lift him onto someone's shoulders. He felt really long and soft hair under his knees, so he looked down and smiled, seeing it was Izuru.

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