Friends, family and a hook up

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I wake up the next morning and know I need to talk to someone. I head off in search of carol and Maggie. This is going to be awkward seeing as I can't tell them why I'm so held back about my feelings and I definitely can't tell them what Daryl said last night.

"Hey" they say when I eventually find them, it's convenient that they're both together taking stock. "Hey" I whisper "what's going on?" Maggie frowns "oh you know.. I urm just wanted some girl time and y'all are virtually the only people I speak to in here" I tell them. "So why the long face?" Carol questions "I dunno I guess I'm just confused" I sigh.

Maggie disappears off into the cupboard but reappears seconds later "about?" She pushes. "I urm.. I.. Gues I've been starting to feel something for someone here" I admit "Daryl" they say in unison clearly trying to hold back there smirks "I guess" I chuckle. "So why are you confused? He clearly likes you too" Maggie states "yeah we've never seen him give anyone so much as a second glance let alone look at anyone the way he looks at you" carol adds. "I know.. I mean I had guessed as much, but that's the problem" I sigh earning questioning glances from both Maggie and carol. "It's hard to explain" I shrug "I've never really been a feelings type of person, especially for a while.. I mean hunting was everything and you don't really have time to get caught up in emotions with that and then there's dean, he's so overprotective.. And I mean me an him are so alike that it's freaky, he taught me to be reserved about myself about my emotions.. There's other stuff, I just.. I really" I pause "I just can't get into right now" I choke out "it's not that I don't trust y'all.. I just don't trust myself" I add "but we'll put it in the sense of everyone I care about gets hurt, I don't want to open myself up to Daryl to then loose him" I sigh.

There's an awkward silence in the room and carol and Maggie shift there feet "you don't have to say anything" I laugh "thank you for letting me rant it out though" I add smiling "it's what we're here for" Maggie smile "but Lil?" She adds "yeah?" I basically squeak "everyone looses people, especially in the world we live in now, it doesn't mean you shouldn't open yourself up, you can't spend however long you have left just surviving, you need to learn to live again" she smiles softly "I gotta go talk to dean" I state leaving the room without waiting for a reply.

I'm not going to tell dean about my feelings for Daryl, it'll just complicate everything, I do need to talk to him though. I walk into his cell and I can't believe the scene that meets my eyes, I have very clearly walked in on dean and Cas having a very steamy make out session, I'm a little taken back at first but then a smirk slides on my face. I totally knew it. I leave the cell without making a sound, I figure they'll tell me when they're ready.

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