Chapter Two

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Dean pushed the ugly thought out of his head as he lumbered back to the car, Cas' limp body slipping from his grip every now and then. When they finally made it to the car, Dean leaned over and gently propped Cas up against its bumper. "Cas, you're gonna be ok. Just hang in there, keep breathing." Cas responded with a cough that was followed by blood. It dripped down his chin in mocking beads as Dean witnessed his friend try to cling to what might be his last moments of life. Tears continued to well in his eyes as he quickly wiped the blood off his chin with his sleeve. He quickly rose and ran to open the passenger side door. He then half-carried, half-dragged Cas to the passenger seat, his adrenaline faltering. Cas winced when Dean accidentally dropped Cas into the seat, sweating and gasping. He took a rag out of his back pocket and gingerly placed it on Cas' wound, taking Cas' hand and putting it on it. He closed the door and ran to the other side of the car and hopped into the driver's seat. He fiddled around in his pockets for his keys and then started the car up. With his hand still on the keys, now in the ignition, he looked at Cas and regretted it. He watched his friend take three short, sputtering breaths, each one incredibly labored. His friend's hand laying lightly on his stomach, barely holding a worn rag to his dripping wound. His hair matted down by green, blue, and yellow paint with the rest of his body coated in blotches of the rest of the rainbow. Cas' face continued to drain of all color and life, becoming paler with each ticking second.

Dean snapped out of his fear-driven trance and hit the gas pedal. He drove straight for 50 feet then turned right on to the dirt road. He took out his phone and dialled 911. (/911, what's your emergency?/) "Come to Amber Brook Road and keep heading straight until you see the old warehouse. There's people in there and they're tied up and badly injured so send an ambulance." (/Ok, and what is your name, sir?/) "My name is - " Dean hung up the phone and shoved it back into his jacket pocket. He stared straight ahead, trying to keep his eyes hard on the road so that he didn't have to face the image of Cas (dying). As the warehouse became smaller and smaller in his rearview mirror Dean got hit by a thought: (Where am I gonna go?)

He hadn't realized where his exact destination was going to be since he was too preoccupied with Cas' (body) injury. (Where?) He had two options. (Bunker?) (Hospital.) (Bunker?!) (Hospital!) (BUNKER?!) (HOSPITAL!) The options flew around his head becoming louder and louder, unsure of which to choose. (We might be able to patch him up, we know how to sti- ) (No! You see how much blood he's lost?! He's dyi-) (But you can't deal with the people there! They're gonna question you and - ) Dean felt like the world was spinning too fast and that if he didn't choose soon he would fly right off of it.

The dull roar of the car's motor slowly became louder as Cas' senses came to. The pain in his stomach had diluted to a dull, uproarious throb. He slowly looked down to see his hand on top of a rag, that was now almost completely soaked through, that covered his wound. A wave of nausea struck him when he saw how much blood there was. He slowly turned his head up to look at Dean in the driver's seat. His eyes managed to make out a blurred image of Dean, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel in pure panic and distress, completely unaware of Cas' consciousness. "... Dean," Cas managed to finally gasp out. Dean whipped his head around to meet Cas'. "Cas," He breathed in disbelief and relief. "... hospital," Cas gargled as he coughed up more blood, the heaving of his chest causing pins and needles to go running up and down his body in firey pulses. Blood continued to drip down his chin as he gasped for each raspy breath. "Cas!" Cas heard Dean's voice echo off into silence as unconsciousness overtook him once again.

"Cas!" Dean yelled again. He switched glances between Castiel and road several times before finally returning his full attention to the road. "Dammit," his voice wavered.

Dean and Castiel Go on a HuntWhere stories live. Discover now