Last day of Junior year

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Marinette POV

Today was the last day of 11th grade. I was supper happy even though I didn't know if I would be seeing Adrien as much since his dad is a bit strict.

"Hey girl" Alya said

"Hey Alya, so what are you doing for summer break?"

"I'm not planning much but I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house I'm trying to think of something to do for summer"

"Yeah sure who is all coming"

"Oh just Nino and Adrien"

Adrien, Adrien was coming that's great I can't even talk To him during school not I have to talk to him at Alya's house


"Oh sorry, yeah I will be there what time"

"Oh like in about an hour, you should bring some cookies for your friend Adrien" she said with a wink

"Come on Alya you know he doesn't like me nothing is going to happens between us no matter how much treats I bring him" I was kinda sad a what I just said, Adrien will never like me... Besides there's kagami.

"Okay girl whatever I seen that way you two look at each other, that is not how friends look at each other... well I will see you later bye Marinette"

"Bye Alya" I said blushing thinking of Adrien. I really should let go of him it's been 2 years and I can't even talk to him... I should give up he will never like me I start crying

I get home and wipe my tears so my parents won't notice

"Hey honey are you okay?"

"Yeah mom just tired... I was wondering I in could hang out with Alya for a couple hours tonight?"

"Yes-" my dad cut her off " and who will all be coming"

"Just Nino and Adri-"

"Will her mom be home?"dad said

"Dad we won't do anything bad... Besides Adrien doesn't like me, and Adrien won't do that he's not like that I promise you that dad"

"Okay honey just making sure"

"Honey, Tom she is Almost 17 she is getting older which means to need to let her go a little you can't keep holding on her forever" my mom was right but he didn't have to worry about anything adrien sees me as only a friend

"Okay thanks I'm going to do some homework" I finished just in time I started heading over and Adrien was already there... I couldn't see him already I was just trying to get over him but he looked so happy and he had a white tee instead of his usual shirt and he had black sweats on and he looked so good I really couldn't take it... oh no it's coming back I still have feelings for him why can't this be so much easier uhhh

"Hey Mari, what's wrong you looked stressed?"

Did he just call me Mari... he just did omg I hear that just replaying over and over in my head he so perfect I start to blush a lot and my whole face was really read

"Marinette are you okay you don't look good your face is so red?" He said he looked really worried

"Yeah I-I'm f-fine just it's your hot wait no I mean it's hot" I messed up my words and he understands me perfectly I wish I could tell him my real feelings but I can't it's just to hard I try so hard just to even have a normal conversation with him but it never turns out good

"Ok just making sure" he said while knocking

Alya answered and let us in and said "what were you guys doing before you got here looks like you two came here together"

"W-what us n-no we uh just here got" I hope she doesn't say nothing about Adrien she has been egging us on for 2 years but he hasn't seem to notice

"Sure Marinette, so Adrien what are you doing for the next 3 weeks?"She was up to something but I don't know what I will find out

Adrien's POV

"Sure Marinette, So Adrien what are you doing for the next 3 weeks?"

"Oh well not much just probably my usual besides modelling" My dad let me off this summer because I beg him for about 3 hours saying I didn't want to do modelling and I want to spend time with my friends

"Oh so no work?" Alya said while smirking

"Nope what are you guys doing?"

"I have nothing planned" Marinette said Alya looked at me with a smile she was happy but I felt like she is hiding something

"Yeah same" Nino said

"So guys do you want to go on a road trip?" Alya said I thought maybe my dad might let me go since Felix is staying with my mother and father and he could be modeling while I go out with my friends but I really don't know when it comes to my dad

"Uh S-sure I-I but have t-to ask my parents" Marinette said

I love it when she stutters it's really cute. Wells she cute... wait what I didn't mean that. Did I?

"I'm free" Nino said "what about you dude" I wasn't really paying attention to Nino I just thought about Mari

"Adrien" Alya said

"Oh sorry I was distracted I will have to ask my parents I'll call them be right back"

3rd person POV

"My mom said I can and asked if I should stay the night can I?" Adrien asked

"Yeah Adrien of course" I totally didn't plan all this just to set Adrien and Marinette up Alya thought

"Nino and Marinette wanna spend the night and leave tomorrow?" Alya said

"Yeah I'm free my parents won't even notice" Nino said

"I have to ask hold on"

"Mom can I stay the night at Alya's we won't to go on a road trip for a couple weeks if that's okay?"

"That's okay your old enough take care and wear protection"

"MOM!!! IM NOT HAVING SEX!!!" What was she thinking there is no way I'm to young maybe In a 2-3 years but not now

"Okay just making sure you know I was your age once, have fun baby love you"

"Love you too mom" my mom was a little worried she had nothing to worry about. Sex eww gross

"Yeah my moms cool with it" Marinette said

"Me too, so we're are we going?"Adrien said

"New York " Alya said she knew it was far but she wanted to go for away so Adrien and Marinette would be stuck with Adrien in the back since Nino is driving and she had to keep him Company

"What that's about 2 days your crazy" Marinette said freaking out that she would be in a car with A-Adrien for 2 days

"Mari calm down it will be fine besides I'm here" Adrien said putting his hand in Marinette's shoulder

"Nino get some sleep you will be driving along way" Alya said

"Marinette and Adrien I only have one bed so you will have to share" Alya said winking at Marinette

"Ehh o-oh okay" no way can I be in the same bed as Adrien

"Don't worry Marinette I will sleep on the ground okay"

"Night Alya night Nino goodnight Adrien"marinette said

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