After Work Celebrations

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While Leo and I walked to his mother's car, I called my mom and told her that I was going out with my co-workers. "I'm surprised my parents were okay with letting me come with you guys" I said as I hung up the phone.

Leo looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Your parents don't let you go out?"

"They don't really let me go out unless they know who I'm with. They say they trust me, they just don't trust the people I'm with." I tell him. "I'm starting to think they don't trust me"

"I'm sure they're just worried about your safety. They don't want you to get hurt. I'll make sure no one hurts you Rosie." He says truthfully.

We finally get to his mom's car and I say "Funny how it hasn't even been a day and I'm already spilling everything on you"

He laughs. "It's fine. I like talking to you Rosie. You can tell me anything. It's all safe with me."

I nod and he opens the car door for me and yells at Mateo and Dylan, "Guys, get in the back. Those are your seats from now on." Mateo and Dylan groan and start arguing about who should get in first. Losers haha. When they got settled, they started thumb wrestling in the back seats of the mini van. Leo opens the door wider for me and I thank him while I slide in, then he slides in beside me.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Howard." I say to Leo's mom.

"Hi sweetie, I see you're the new cast member and my Leo's love interest." She says. Leo and I blush. He stands up and whispers to his mother something I can't hear. I wonder what he told her. Then she looks through her rear-view mirror at me and says "It's nice to meet you, sweetie. Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready. And it's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Howard."

"Sweetie, just call me Randye."

"Alright, I will." I say to her. She then turns to the guys "Ready guys!"

"Yes!" All three guys yell and we're off.


After a long ride around town, we got to what looks like a restaurant. Randye parked the car and we all piled out. Leo got out first and he held the door open for me and the guys.

"So what's this place? " I ask everyone once we're all out.

"It's an awesome restaurant! " says Téo as he walks over to put his arm around my shoulders. I give him a "seriously?" look. He just smiles but doesn't take his arm off my shoulders.

"Dude, get off of her. She's clearly annoyed with you" said Dylan, who was walking behind us alongside Leo.

"She hasn't said anything so it's cool" Téo replied.

"She's just too nice to say anything"

"You do know that I'm right here, don't talk as if I wasn't and Téo?"


"Get off of me!" and with that, I pushed his arm off my shoulder. Everyone laughed and Téo muttered something I couldn't quite hear, so I let it go, and walked into the restaurant with everyone.

I looked around and was amazed. The restaurant looked like a classic '50's diner. It looked so retro and cool with the neon lights and everything. I was surprised. I didn't think L.A. would have a place like this because I always thought that L.A. was one of the most modernized cities in the country.

Anyway, we sat down at one of the long tables, me between Leo and Matéo, Dylan and Mrs. Howard across us. A young waitress came over and handed us all menus. She smiled flirtatiously at Leo, while handing the menu over to him. She asked us all for our choice of drinks and she kept sneaking glances at Leo, and I almost laughed. I nudged him under the table and he looked at me. I shook my head in the waitress' direction when she wasn't looking and he turned to see her looking at him. When she finished taking the orders for the drinks, I picked up my menu and and looked it over, trying to decide what I wanted.

"What do you think I should order?" I asked everyone. They looked at their menus and Randye recommended the classic burger and fries and a milkshake of my choice. So when the waitress came back to take our orders, I ordered what she recommended. I noticed the waitress looking at Leo now and I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed it too. When she left, I said aloud "Looks like someone couldn't take their eyes of you Leo!"

"She's not my type"

"What is your type?" He seemed to ponder that for a sec. "I don't know" he responded. "I don't think I have 'types'. I just like who I like"

"Interesting," I turn to look at the others. "What about the rest of you? Do you guys have types or better said, what is it that you like in girls?"

Dylan started to think about it when Téo blurted out, "I like fiery, hot latinas!" Now that was funny. I laughed and nearly cried from it. Leo, with his long arms, reached behind me and smacked Téo in the back of the head.

"You're so dumb!" I said when I calmed down enough.

The waitress came back again but this time, with our food. After that little laughing fest, I was famished. I was so happy for the food that I ignored the waitress, who was giving Leo googly eyes.


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