Secrets Out, Maybe...

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Ron and Harry went to Neville's house to get ready, and shortly after, Hermione joined them.
The first thing she did was inform them, but mainly Harry, on honesty.
"Harry, we know your very excited to see Malfoy, but we have to set some rules. If you have anything to say on the Slytherin's we're meeting, say it now. I'll go first, I have a crush on Parkinson. Who's next ? Let's see, Ron, then Neville and lastly Harry."
"I like Theo, we've met before. We're actually close. He's nice. I'm just worried bout meeting Malfoy. I mean, he's changed, but it'll just be weird. That's it."
"I kind of like Zabini, he's kind of scary though. He probably doesn't even like boys."
"It's ok Neville, we're all worried about meeting our newly appointed possible friends. Harry ?"
"Well you guys know I'm bi, and that I like Malfoy, I just don't want to talk about sexuality. It's still weird for me."
"Thank you. We've all said what we need, and we all support. Let's go then."

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