Chapter 1 - Grass

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It was a sunny day with a nice breeze and warm weather. There was a player, that roamed the over-world. They placed obsidian on the warm grass, block by block. After that they whipped out their flint and steel. They stood there with their hair flowing as they lit the portal up. The purple glow shined in their eyes from the mystical portal. They leaped in with their shining tools as the sounds revolved around them. Second.. after second... heart racing, proud smile, they finally made it. They were finally able to get gold from the nether on a quest to make golden apples.
      Eventually, they finally found a place with gold. However, to the left of them was a Warped Forest. They got very tempted, so they decided to jump over there. You could hear the sound of the grass in the warped forest as they sprinted into the forest with glee. However when they entered the forest.. something caught their eye. A tall sleek black creature lurking throughout the forest. It was holding a.. blue mushroom?? No that wasn't right, ah wait.. it's a warped fungus.
      The player curiously, but carefully moved towards the creature. Of course there were many others amongst the forest, but this one. This one was different. They knew it. After a hot minute of trying to slowly approach the creature, they got behind a tree not to far away from where it was. They peeked out from behind the tree and they didn't see the creature anymore.. where did it go? Soon a silence came over the forest. Until.. the creature appeared behind them. They heard a static like noise and they jumped and turned around at a quick pace.
      However, this... Enderman didn't attack. It just stood there.. staring at the player. They had a moment where they just stared at each other. The players heart was pounding abnormally hard. Their faced was flushed red. They frantically pulled out some flowers they got from the over-world and put their hand out, with the orange tulips in their grasp. The Enderman looked at the orange tulips with a fascinated look. The Enderman closed its mouth and tilted its head in confusion. There they stood.. they player finally found someone to be friends with.
    Soon the player just grabbed the Endermans hand softly and put the flowers in its hand. They closed the Endermans grip on to the flowers. The Enderman picked up the idea on what it was supposed to do. Out of nowhere, the player got the GREATEST IDEA EVER!
The player rapidly grabbed out their boat and led the Enderman into it. They saw not to far in their side vision, the glowing nether portal.. their destination. The player proceeded to repeatedly push the boat towards the nether portal, which was luckily on the low ground. They were pushing, kicking, and shoving the boat to the destination, however... a ghast appeared.. it was ready to attack..

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Chapter 2 - Battle of a life time
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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