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No One's Pov

21 years Ago

In a old run down building in a room was a woman with blonde hair in pigtails the left was blue dye, the right was pink, she was screaming her lungs of in pain as she is crying while pushing

The famous villain everyone was terrified of is giving birth to Marielle Faith Quinnzel the daughter of Harley Quinn and Joker.

As she finally was out breath hot and sweaty, her hair covered sweat was her in pigtails went limp and dragged loose, there was a baby cry her daughter is born right before her

Marielle had deep bluebell eyes, her hair is platnium blone with one side blue the other red like her mother

..............Time Skip brought by Marielle's birth.................

Around the age of 4 Marielle was with her aunt Selina and her mother Selina and Harley was teaching her self defense so she could look after herself

As the years went by Marielle was around 6 when she was running down the street home from seeing her mother's best friend Poison Ivy when a black figure was swooping by and landed in front of Marielle as she was just around the corner from her house, just as Harley saw Batman and ran after her

"Who are you?" Batman asked as Harley jumped in front of Mariellle

"Bug off Batsy leave her alone" Harley said as she was protecting her daughter.

"Harley leave the girl alone" Batman said as Harley scoffed and glared at him

"Not a chance batsy she is my daughter" Harley said as she was ready to attack him

"What? You and Joker have a child?" Batman asked shocked

"Yes, why do you think I haven't caused any crime in years, It is so I can raise my child, Batsy I don't want to cause any trouble I just want to keep my daughter, so I have renoused my villainy so I am just a Gotham citizen" Harley said as she sighed, as Batman stood there shocked at Harley but understood

"What does the Joker have to say about this development?" Batman asked as she sighed again

"He is furious about this, he doesn't want to renouse his villainy and never did, he hated it when he found about about my pregnancy, but I convinced him to let me keep her but hates that I am a renoused villain, but everyone in this crime street and everyone one we know, love and adore her so they have sworn to protect Marielle with their lives Selina is her godmother and I want you to be her godfather" Harley said as Batman is gobsmacked by her request

"Why?" Batman asked as she sighed

"The joker isn't very fond or loving to her and I know you have a very big weak spot for kids, and you can protect her, batsy please just do me this one thing I want you to look after her if anything ever to happen to me you and Selina are to look after her" Harley said with a serious look in her eyes

"What does the Joker have to say about this idea of yours" Batman asked

"He doesn't know anything about her grandparents or would even care" Harley said sadly

"Fine, I am honored to be her godfather" Batman said as she smiled

"Thanks Brucey, means alot" Harley said happily as he sighed

As the years went past Batman and Marielle got along really well she went to his mansion and got along well with the others mostly Alfred

When She was nine Harley was devastated when she found out Marielle was going to get taken away, as her daughter walked into the house Harley was furious and crying.

"What do you mean Marielle is not is a supportive or positive environment?" Harley yelled as she had her bat in her hand ready to pound this social service woman

"As I said Ms Quinn your daughter is not in a healthy environment or parents" the social service said as the jokers as smirking behind the pissed of Harley with a look of a protective mother and murderer in her eyes, as she held a very strong grip on her bat

"And what the hell do you mean by not healthy parent?, that is being stereotypical, is it because I used to be a crowned queen of crime I can't raise my daughter or even have any children because we used to cause crime? Or because being a villen parent people automatically assume we might abuse our children?" Harley hissed as she was one second from swinging her bat to this woman

"Well, not all of those are true, but she is being raised by all the top dangerous villains it is not right, and the father is still causing crime not right, and your not ready to be parents let alone be able to care for Marielle, we are taking her and your not stopping me you have 20 minutes to say goodbye to Marielle Quinnzel goodbye" the woman said as she got up and took the papers that the Joker signed and left. As Harley was yelling as she cried while swinging her bat at joker and succeeded multiple times

After Harley was hugging her daughter close refusing to let go both of them crying their hearts out in the end Marieele was gone and was given to the jokers henchmen who would now beat her up till she was unconscious, while Harley never knows about it .

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