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I woke up to the sweet sweet sound of my alarm, I reached for my phone hitting the snooze button.
After staying in bed for 10 more minutes I had to get up for work.
I went a picked out my outfit which is light blue jeans and white t-shirt with my converse shoes.
I put my hair up in a pony tail leaving a few hairs out framing my face.
I quickly went to the bathroom and cleaned Myself up.
I lived alone in the city of Chicago, as soon as I had enough money and was old enough I ran away from home leaving a note telling my parents not to look for me, and they didn't. I am now 20 and work at a book store.
I ate a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast and gave some breakfast to my cat Elias as well, who is a black cat with peircing green eyes.

I put my headphones in my ear and made my way down from my apartment buildings to work.
I worked in a small cafe shop as a barista, I love my job, It's a small cafe in the corner of town that was also a bookstore, it's right in front of Lake Michigan.
I didn't live to far from it, maybe a 10 minute walk, 5 minutes if I put a pep in my step.
I opened the door with a blast of all different smells hitting my face.
"Hi andrea" one of my coworkers said,
"Hello Fred" I smiled making my way to the back room.
As the time went on my shift was half way done.
I spent the majority of my time reading a new book I recently picked out from the shelf and then occasionally making a coffee for old and new costumes.

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