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A loud beep echoed through the narrow hallway, signalling the opening of the next barred door. They stepped through and continued down the musky halls towards their intended destination. Distant yells of aggression bounced off the concrete walls, only supporting the realisation that this prison truly held only the worst of the worst.
"I don't like it here too much, Eddy." The petite blonde woman whispered to the man next to her. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked as her pale blue eyes scanned her hardened surroundings.
The man next to her, clothed in a wrinkled suit, which hardly matched his tossed black hair and unshaven appearance snorted. "I wasn't the one who begged to come." He muttered before stopping at a thick metal door, behind it held a person that he could only imagine was like.
Eddy nodded at the guard, prompting the guard to yell out the instructions which led to another loud buzz. "Don't worry. There will be people in there with you so it's completely safe." The man in uniform reassured them, aiming his words at the small, terrified blonde.
"Last chance, Bec." Eddy warned, turning to face the woman beside him. "In or out?"
Bec took a deep breath before nodding. "I'm in." She stated firmly, her voice holding a small quiver of fear.
The black haired man smiled. "Remember not to let her get to you. Stay strong." Edward comforted her with his words. "If you need out, just tell the guards, alright?"
"I'll be fine. I had a good teacher." She jokingly punched him in the arm with a bright smile on her face.
A moment passed before Eddy was sure Rebecca was going to be okay. He turned back and slid open the heavy metal door that seperated him and the reason he came here. Thea Roades.
Slounched in a small metal chair with chains wrapped around her ankles and wrists and a small smile of amusement. She was the personification of calm and relaxed, like this small cell was her own home.
"My, my, Edward Wynters." She spoke each syllable slowly and with an almost mocking tone. "I expected no less from the man himself."
Edward casually sat in the chair across from her followed by his rigid assistant, a simple table occuping the distance between them and a notorious criminal. "Thea Roades, correct?" He questioned monotonous, placing pale folders in front of him.
Thea tilted her head slightly, allowing her tattered red hair to fall across her face. "The one and only. Who's the cutie?" She drifted her gaze to the blonde in the seat next to his. "I'm hurt that you brought another woman to our date. I took you as a gentleman."
"This is my assistant, Rebecca Preston." Edward replied calmly, establishing eye contact with Thea. "We're here to talk about you, Thea, which you should know considering you're the one who contacted us."
Thea clicked her tongue. "Ah, that's right. My own little biography. Why is the life of a murderer so interesting to humans?" She hummed in thought. "Is it because they like the reassurance?"
"What reassurance is that?" He pushed her.
She smiled dangerously as her gaze burned deeply into his. "The reassurance that there's someone out there who's worse, who darker than themselves. It makes them feel better, makes people feel..." She paused, looking up in thought. "Human." She whispered the last word, letting it echo ominously in the small concrete cell. "Do you ever wonder Edward? Why people do what they do?" Thea lowered her eye level back to the man across from her.
"All the time." Edward answered her.
"An honest man." The red haired smirked. "What a rare quality. Im sure you get the answer 'I had no other choice' a lot in your line of work. It's not exactly true now is it? Everyone has a choice and yes, I freely choose to murder all those people."
Rebecca gasped, a hand flying to cover her mouth in shock.
"Why are you so surprised, dear?" Thea spoke through clenched teeth. "You can't honestly expect to walk in here and see a troubled little thing that only lost her way? Evil people exist girl and I suggest that you better open your eyes before you become a victim yourself."
Edward pulled the focus back on himself. "As I said before, we're here to interview you Thea. So why don't we start with some questions?"
"What do you want to know?" She asked, slowly drawing her attention away from the shaking blonde.
"Why these victims, Thea?" He spoke, throwing question after question at her. "Why did you kill them this way? How could you lure these people into remote areas like this? And most importantly, why? Why did you start killing?"
An arrogant smirk stretched across her face. "Do you believe in God, Edward?" She continued talking before he could reply. "People like to believe that there's something bigger out there. It gives there lives meaning, helps people to understand and gives them hope as well. But, people also need someone to blame when things go wrong. Demons are a much better explanation than actually admitting that someone they love is capable of committing such violent acts. They don't see that humans are the cause of things that are much more evil then anything a demon would do." Thea leaned back into her chair before continuing. "You want to know what could happen to a person to make them like this? Why don't we go back to the beginning then?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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