poor thing

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A/n:this chapter is only gonna be third person pov and Billy's POV and also billy has a cat)

Billy pov...

I woke and I saw my cat sleeping on me great I picked him up gently and laid him down and went to my bathroom in my room and brushed my teeth and took a bath and put so,e clothes on t9 go to school I go downstairs to see my cat eating a drinking I left to school

Third pers9n pov....

Billly was walking to school and saw piggy well billy ignored and it was a bad idea cause piggy ran up to billy and stopped him in his tracks 

Billy:what do you want second year!?

Piggy:why are you taking badgy's dick away from me

Billy:cause studying is more important then a girl that their on pussy are bigger then her body now you look so ugly so go get out of my way

Piggy:ugh fine

Piggy left billy smiled and went in the school and saw badgy talking with panda

Billy:hey idiot

Badgy:hey show off

Billy:how was your day

Billy:good just talking to a friend

Billy:oh.....hi panda how are you doing

Panda:I'm doing......fine how about.....you

Billy:oh good welp, see ya later guys 

Badgy:billy wait


Badgy:can we talk privately 


Billy and badgy went to the changing room and locked them selves there

Badgy:ok billy could you help me hook up with panda!?

Billy pov..

Did he just say pandy

Billy:well I'll try

Badgy:I wanna confess my feelings towards her

Billy:all righty imma talk to her but stay away is a surprise when she says yes


Hehehe my perfect plan is coming in 

1:after school im gonna ask pandy if we could talk

2:after that I'll say "hey someone is wait8ng you at my house wanna come?"

3:after that kill her and hide her body in the forest

(After school)

I went running to pandy about to lie......

I cliff hanged yall

301 words uwu

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