She Believed Her

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All she saw was darkness and all she heard was the wicked witch's voice who found some sort of enjoyment in torturing kids. Not kids, more specifically her. An animal.

'You stupid animal'

The old lady's voice echoed in her ears.

'Can you ever come in any use. You do nothing other than ruining things for people. For Adora'

Adora. The name made her eyes water. She never meant to ruin anything for adora.

'How come you try to destroy Adora's future! How could you? Do seriously think that Adora cares about you? Your weak bond won't last long. As soon as Adora becomes force Captain, she is going to leave you for good. Don't come to me then whimpering like a child!"

Shadow weaver pushed catra on the floor, the young girl's whole body aching from the pain of electricity.

'You mean nothing to Adora!'

'Your stupid friendship won't last long!'

'Adora would leave you every chance she gets!'

Catra looked at shadow weaver from the corner of her eye. Finally she felt the unbearable pain leaving the body.

"And if you dare manipulate adora or distract her in any way I will personally make sure that you never stand again", Shadow glared at catra, her black hair flying high from rage,"What are you waiting for, LEAVE!".

Catra flinched at the harshness of shadow weaver's voice and ran as fast as her legs could take her. She pushed through the nearby crowds to get to the bathroom.


"Watch it!"

But Catra couldn't care less. She couldn't let these cadets see her cry. She didn't wanted to appear weak. Tears were already starting to pour down her face. Luckily for her the bathroom was empty. It was nothing unnatural as this was the time all the cadets would be goofing around with each other. Though that was not an option for catra. Not until shadow weaver was around.

Catra stared at her own reflection and as always saw the person she hated the most. The same old ugly face, the wild hair and most of all her stupid eyes. Catra hated her eyes the most.




The young girl finally broke down in tears. Catra knew she finally had enough. She loved adora, why would she ever want to destroy her future? But Catra was confused. Confused if Shadow weaver was right, and Adora really did not care about her.What if Adora really hated her? What if she really was ruining things for Adora?

Do friendships really end that soon just like Shadow weaver said? Catra knew how to survive shadow weaver's lies. But Catra had finally hit the core today and she didn't know what to do. She was aware that Shadow weaver always lied. And this time she believed the witch.

Adora was really suspicious on what was going on. She remembered the day when shadow weaver first announced that they were getting 2 hours free in the evening. Once shadow weaver went out of the barracks, all the cadets started rejoicing. Adora even remembered how happy Catra was. Specially Catra's weird 'happy dance' as she called it and how many plans they had made that night. But everything changed. Shadow weaver said that she would personally give Catra some 'advanced training' since she was weak.
And how the beautiful smile got placed with the fake ones.

But personally, Adora never really saw Catra as weak. In fact for Adora Catra was the strongest person she knew, though Catra would never believe her. Adora never understood why Catra degraded herself and believed shadow weaver when she never had any reason to. Catra was just as strong as Adora but shadow weaver would always label her friend as weak.

She Believed HerWhere stories live. Discover now