Blaze's allergic reaction

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Ryder said:" We have something to tell to the Guest."

Guest:" Oh, come on, Blaze!

Zuma ate chocolate, and that could've killed him! You were just allergic! I thought you had more guts than that...

*shakes head

Bella, you ate that pumpkin like a champ! Good job!"

Marshall started to growl and stepped over Blaze protectively. "Calm down," Ryder said:" And tell us about it." Dalmatian took the deep breath and told the story:" When Blaze was younger then we were at farmer Yumi's and Al's. Blaze ate the berries and next few seconds he started to gasp for air and could have died when he stopped breathing. Luckily i had the cure for it. Is it ok when young pup dies?" "Calm down," said Everest. Marshall said:" The last few days he wasn't the best pup to be around, i get it. But he is still my pup and i won't let anything happen to any of the pups. When i can't save them just in time then...i can't forgive myself." Chase put his paw on his shoulder and said:" After that incident he couldn't sleep very well and looked only at Blaze fearing that Blaze stopped breathing."

Zuma said:" I can take it better then Blaze."

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