"🥺Its ok to not be ok "

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1 week after Charlotte and James breakup  Henry has been checking up on her every day .

H-ok so everything is set up there are balloons and there are cupcakes and candles and where is the food ,JASPER
J-what i do ?
He turns around and sees jasper stuffing his face with shrimp
H-jasper that's for Charlotte
J-why is everything here for Charlotte
H-because it's her birthday she's gonna be here any minute now 
Henry was acting crazier then when he saw James and Charlotte kiss
The elevator  Dings and all you see is the lights off and the boys hiding until Charlotte came in the man cave
All of them -SUPRISEEEEE!!!!🥳
C-what the -
H-surprise Happy Charlotte day
C-what is Charlotte day ?
J-well Charlotte day is the day of well yk Charlotte  hehehehe
C-well yeah but what do we do on Charlotte day
R-well we celebrate the worker that works the hardest and has to put up with us.
C-ok sum doesn't feel right
H-how doesn't it feel right
C-because there's a poster w my face on it ,ray is actually appreciating me and listening to me and matter fact all of you listening and apparently this started after me and James broke up and I've told u I'm fine .
R- so that's a no on the Charlotte cake
C-yea imma ago home and relax
H-char wait ,yea this whole thing was to cheer you up about ,but I thought u needed to recover from your break up .
C-Henry I'm fine I'll b here tm

Charlotte walks of the man cave while Henry turns around and shrugged his shoulders the elevator door open and Charlotte comes back out
H- u thought u we're going home
C-oh I am ,I just,I'm taking this cake 😋
Then Charlotte actually left .
H-guys I don't think she's ok
R-well she said she was fine  so ig she was fine
J-dude when girls say their fine it means their not ok
H-yeah jaspers right I gotta see her  and see if she ok
Henry grabs his jacket and walks towards the elevator and leaves the man cave
At Charlottes house
Charlotte is upstairs w a pair of scissors close to her arm with a few cuts on it  dries up tears on my face she was breathing heavily and she hears  a knock on her door.
H-hey Charlotte it's me uh can I come in
She sniffled and wiped her eyes and wore a sweater and threw the scissors across the bed and opened the door
C-hey what's up ?what are you doing here .
H-uh just checking up On u
C- why ?
H-just to see if your ok
C- leave, im fine
H-yk maybe I should stay for a min
Henry walked into her room looking at a pair of scissors with blood on it on the floor
While Charlotte turns him around and out the door
Henry is still looking at the pair of scissors with blood
He nodds and walk out the door  as he picks up his phone txts jasper about what happen
At Henry's house
Henry is down stairs making him a glass of water 
J-wait so limme get this straight ,you went to char's house
H- mhm
J-and you saw scissors on the ground ,covered with blood
J-r u sure it was blood it could of been paint
H-nah she don't have paint at her house
J-how would you know
H-well I - ...ok idk I just think she might've been cutting herself
J-well why do u think that
H-because I have a sense of when someone is hurting themselves
J-ok well I have a idea
H-hit me
J-tm we walk to school w Charlotte and when we go Inside we talk to her into the janitors closet aright.
H-sounds good click .
J-click .


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