1 - you should wear a warning

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You got off the school bus, heading to the big building that you found cold and haunting, empty yet always full of people.

You were practically invisible to the other teens among your school, you never really found your place there, you felt like you didn't belong.

You always hoped that would change as you entered high school, you hoped that the feeling in your stomach would disappear and that people would start noticing you, and approaching you, trying to befriend you.

Sadly, middle school you would be disappointed.

Despite that, you've grown to like your peaceful loneliness, never really feeling lonely as long as you knew yourself.

You were the only permanent, stable thing in your life. Everyone else changed around you but you stayed the same, never bothering with changing yourself to appeal to others.

People around school know who you are, but only since they recognize your face as the girl who's always distant. By distant, they mean that most of them never had a conversation with you.

You're seem as that cliché stereotype of the quiet kid, occasionally saying hi to people as you walked along the hallways.

This would have bugged you back in middle school, but now, you just don't care.

You are friendly to other kids in the school, it is always a delight to do project with you, and people that get to know you a little grow fond of you.

Nobody dislikes you, at least no one that you actually care about.

See, there's this clique.

It is 'led' by one of your ex friends, Tyler.

Tyler used to be friends with you back in kindergarten, but you've drifted away since then.

You two just grew up and grew distant, no hard feelings, right? Wrong.

Well, up until a few years ago, this would have been true. But middle school was rough.

You still don't completely understand what happened, but one day Tyler decided to embarrass you in front of the entire school at lunch. You asked her why she did that, and she just responded, "I don't like you."

It really stuck with you, until the end of last year, when you decided to just let it go.

Tyler did not like seeing you unbothered by the thing, so she tries to start things with you, with the intention of you either crying or fully lashing out, all of her attempts failing.

So basically, to sum it up, her and her friends just dislike you and you just don't give a fuck.

Heading to your class, you make eye contact with a certain girl for a moment. You don't really know her name, but you know who she is. She goes to your English class and sits at the second to last row, on the table that's near the left wall.

You didn't seem to think much of that and made the rest of your way to your first period Math, internally groaning at your tiredness.

The unknown girl you made eye contact with was Charli.

Charli was by the lockers, talking to her friends about some meaningless things when you caught her eye.

'Here she is.' She thought to herself as she made eye contact with you, smiling to herself.

She looked at you as you turned around and made your way to wherever you were going, she couldn't care less to find out.

All she cared about in that moment was fifth period, English class.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now