7. The New Arrivals

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Chapter 7
The New Arrivals

POV - Stiles

    It started as just another normal day - or as normal as I could get - before I went out on the grocery run of the week. I had my first official scan later, and I was going to get the stitches out of my shoulder and stomach as well.

    "I can handle doing the shopping, Peter." I told him, carrying a couple of bags in each hand while I was talking to him through my headphones, "Unless you want me to starve? And, you're coming back next week, so you can carry the bags, and go out on craving missions. It will be brilliant."

    He groaned in defeat, and I could just imagine him running a hand down his face and shaking his head.

    "I really walked into that one, didn't I?" He asked, as I started giggling, "So anyway, tell me how Blueberry is doing? Are you still having morning sickness and getting exhausted? Cause if it's wearing off, you could try doing some gentle exercises."

    "I'm not even going to ask how you know that, but we're doing fine. I even have a little bump now." I said, popping the trunk and putting the groceries in, "And I wouldn't be out and about, if I was still feeling like I was last week."

    The day after Peter left, the morning sickness, the tiredness and all of that had hit me hard. I don't think I left the bathroom for a day or two because of how much I was throwing up, and the lightheadedness I got every time I tried to stand.

    We chatted for a few more minutes before we hung up, and I started making my way back to the apartment.


    With everything put away where it needed to go, I walked back to my Jeep; planning to make my way to the hospital. I knew I was going to be there earlier then I needed to be, but there was no harm in that.

    However, when I made it to the car, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise, and I could sense somebody making their way towards me. I knew I had my bat in the trunk, but I couldn't make it there before whoever it was got to me.

    'Let's see if this works.' I thought, picturing the bat in my hands. I had never tried doing this before, but there's a first time for everything, right?

    Thankfully it worked – go me! – and I swung; missing the car when I did so. Only for it to be caught in mid swing by a tall, blond, curly haired boy, who looked a little like a cherub.

    "What are you doing here? Why are you following me?" I asked, not relinquishing my hold on the now stationary object.

    "Why do you have a bat?"

    "For protection." I told him, "Now answer my question."

    "You're an Alpha. I noticed it about a week ago, but you were with that other guy, and he looks scary. I thought it was him at first, but I can still smell it on you. Are you a lone Alpha, or are you looking..."

    I let go of the bat and held up my hands, promoting him to stop in the middle of his little speech. What the hell was he talking about? I'm not a wolf, let alone an Alpha. I only knew two, and I hadn't seen them since I ran away.

    "Look, I'm not who you think I am, and I'm definitely not what you think I am." He looked very sad at this, and he handed the bat back to me, "But I know of your kind. I was in a Pack until very recently, and, if you want, you can stay here with any others. Unless you've got more then five, cause then you can whistle Dixie."

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