the gathering

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The meeting started like normal, the discussion of the Separist's movement against the Republic, updates on how missions have been doing, Windu being Windu, yadda yadda yadda. While deciding what best to do now that the Separist's have Rexus on their side, a small pinprick ball of light began to grow in the middle of the room.

At first, no-one noticed the odd light, until it kept growing in size, blinding the Jedi with the brightness. Nothing could be seen in the room. A loud thud echoed throughout the silent room, making the blind Jedi jump. The light began to fade, and in it's place lay a large brown box.

Master Yoda, sensing a strong force surrounding the box, decided to investigate. With all eyes on the small creature, Yoda carefully opened the box, revealing to them it's contents. Inside lay a few holofilms and videos, along with a letter.

Walking back to his seat, Master Yoda passes the letter to Windu to read out loud for everyone to hear.

"Dear Master Jedi," He began, " It has come to my attention that the galaxy must be warned of the future it has laid out in front of them. I come from a time in which has dealt with so much suffering, hate and war, that only recently the galaxy has come to peace.

Many good people were lost along the way, and I have made it my mission to save as many as I can from the fate they've been given. Please watch the holovids and films in the box, they will show you the past, present and future, in order to help you fully understand those around you and the consequences of your mistakes. The videos my be short or long but they will show you vital information."

The council sat in stunned silence. The box has holofilms containing videos of the future, information never seen before, something that, in the wrong hands, could be disastrous.

"Oh, wait a second there's more." Declared Windu, "Oh, and before I forget, please bring in these people in to watch, they will play key roles. Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Mara Jade, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Maz Kanata, Ahsoka Tano, C-3PO and R2-D2." Windu pauses slightly before continuing.

"Master Yoda, should we do as the letter says? It could just be a trap or a trick." Windu stated with a face full of doubt and suspicion.

"Powerful force surrounding the box, there is. Hostility, there is not." Yoda answered, with curiosity clear on his face. "Do as it says, we should. Call those requested, we shall."

The Jedi Masters set about calling the others to the chambers, each receiving a short nod of understanding before the call ended.

In the meantime the masters talked among themselves, each curious of what the films may show. It wasn't everyday you got to see a first hand view of the past or even the future, so naturally, none of them knew what to expect. Gradually, one by one, everyone arrived.

Yoda banged his walking stick against the floor, signalling for everyone to settle down. Once the room was silent, he began. "Here, is everyone?" He asked, making sure that everyone was there and that no-one was missing.

"It appears that Maz Kanata has yet to arrive." Replied Master Plo Koon. Just as he spoke, a loud knock resonated against the door. Obi-Wan opened the door, revealing Maz, who looked distinctly ruffled.

"Sorry I'm late, there was a fight at the bar. Oh, hello Mara dearie." The old woman announced, sending a soft smile at the young woman, who in turn gave a small grin back.

"Now that we are all here, we can explain why you have been summoned." Windu voiced, "A box has been sent to us, of which contains details of the past and future, of which is apparently very important, in order to help us understand each other better and prevent certain things from happening."

The newcomers looked understandably shocked, well except for Maz, she looked chill.

"How is that even possible!" Exclaimed Anakin, as he tried to figure out how one could do such a thing.

"That is a question we cannot answer, Skywalker. Now, if you don't mind, pull up a chair and sit, so that we may proceed." Everyone pulled up a chair and sat, while Master Adi Gallia sorted out the holo.

And the video began...

Authors Note - Hi guy's! I hope you liked the chapter, please don't be afraid to comment. I'm still not the best of writers, so if you notice anything odd, don't be afraid to point it out. Have a lovely day/night.


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