36 Being An Adult

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                    Day 2 of having a wolf

     I woke up, used the bathroom, then showered. I did my hair and then make up. I was nervous to mind link Jase but it was my daily routine. Me "Good morning Jasey Boy." Jase "Good morning Soph. How is your morning?" Me "It'd be better if I had you with me." Jase "I had to rush out this morning and didn't get to eat. Do you want to bring me breakfast?" Me "Sure, what do you want me to make you?" Jase "Something with bacon." I smiled "Will do."

     I went down to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Jase "Do you remember all of last night?" Me "Do you wish that I didn't?" Jase "I'm wondering if you regretted it." Me "I regret that we were interrupted." Jase "You wish it had gone farther?" Me "Would that be so horrible?" Jase "I'm not sure I could have went much farther without taking you." I softly moaned "I need to be with you." Jase "Mmm, I need you like I need to breathe."

I felt A rush as between my legs started to tingle. I softly moaned "I need you so bad Jase." Jase "Mmm, you have no idea what I need to do to you. I'm so hard for you." I put the food into bowls with lids and put them and silverware in a bag. Me "You are really turning me on." Jase "Mmm, come show me." Me "Which office?" Jase "Pack office." I grabbed my purse and put my phone in it. Then grabbed the food and went outside to my SUV.

I drove to the pack office and I was nervous. I wanted Jase so much, I didn't care who saw us. He was waiting outside for me and the moment my SUV door opened he was there. Jase pulled me tightly against him and kissed me roughly. I softly moaned and he opened the back door and laid me down on the seat soon he was between my thighs moving against me roughly and I moaned loudly. Jase moaned back and I whimpered needingly.

He pulled away from my lips and went to my neck biting a little rough but not breaking the skin. I moaned loudly. I needed him so bad that I wanted to scream. Me "Please" Jase moaned loudly as he moved against me as if we were mating. I gently bit his neck and he moaned loudly and I bit harder. He moaned really loud and it turned me on so much. I would do anything to have him mate with me.

     A familiar voice "Jase?" Jase pulled away from me. Familiar voice "Are you mating?" Jase "No" Familiar voice "Sophia?" I sat up and looked out the door to see Sarah, Jase's wife. I growled and tried to get up but Jase wouldn't let me. He pinned my arms down. Sarah "Are you holding her down so she doesn't go to fight someone?"

     I growled at her again "Jase is my mate! Stay away from him or I will freaking kill you!!" Sarah gasped "Jase is your mate?" Jase "Yes, I belong to Soph." Sarah "How are you handling things?" Jase "I'll be moving out and I want a divorce. I have videos of you cheating on me going back years. If anything happens to me or Soph for any reason, including missing, your entire family will be executed without warning. I have people throughout the country ready. If it even looks like suicide, your entire family dies."

     Sarah "I'm sure my father will want to talk to you." Jase "He can talk to my attorney." Sarah "You're really going to give up everything we have over A teenager?" Jase "She's my mate." Sarah "So? We have A good thing going for us." Jase "Soph makes me happy, I love her." Sarah "Don't you love me?" Jase "You know that I've never loved you." Sarah "What if I gave up my boyfriend? What if you and I started sleeping together."

I growled furiously "I will end you!" My wolf pushed and I gladly let her surface as we shifted. Jase struggled to keep hold of me and I slipped between the driver and passenger seats. I quickly slipped out the open door and I was on Sarah within seconds sinking my teeth into her leg and jerking my head from side to side. The high pitch screaming was music to my ears. Blood filled my mouth and I loved it.

I heard A sound behind me. Jase "Let go!" It was a direct order from my Alpha. I let go and Jase was pissed. Jase "The pack doctor is coming. Go get in my truck." I whined but followed his order. I was still in wolf form and jumped in the back of Jase's truck. I snarled and growled.

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