Chapter 13

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*Tristan POV*

After I hung up on Y/N, I went to my room and locked the door. I know they need their space, but I really do miss them when they're not here. I could've at least let them say goodbye before actually hanging up. That's when the thoughts started attacking me.

- They're probably laughing with Bryan cause you always fuck things up Tristan.
- He's perfect anyway. They don't deserve you at all.
- You should've stayed in the hospital when you didn't cause any trouble.
- They probably like Bryan more than you. He was allowed to stay with them for a week.
- I knew they wouldn't stay here. It's my fault, it always is.
- You're such a bitch. You could've treated them better and let them be.
- It'a just gonna be a repeat of what happened to your ex. Then everyone will hate you.
- I'm such a horrible friend to Y/N. Why can't I just understand things easily?
- You'll never be good enough for anyone Tristan. Just give up won trying.

*Bryan POV*

After I got off the phone with Y/N, I went to go tell Tristan we would be able to meet them once in a while if we called ahead. I went to his bedroom and tried to open it, but he had locked it. I wonder what actually happened on their phone call.

B- "Tristan open your door I have some good news."

*Tristan POV*

Shit. Now Bryan was here. All those thoughts faded away when I heard his voice. I tried answering in a normal voice, but he could tell I've been crying again.

T- "Not now Bryan. Go bother someone else."
B- "Then I'll just sit outside your door until you open up. It won't bother me. Just need to know you're okay in there. Y/N told me what you guys talked about. I know it's hard not having them visit the house and staying here, but give them time. Is that too much to ask from you?"
T- "N- no, I guess not."

There was about 5 minutes of silence.

T- "Bryan?"
B- "Yeah what's up?"
T- "You're really still outside my room?"
B- "I told you I'd sit outside your door until you open it didn't I?"
T- "Well yeah. You did."
B- "So then I'm still sitting here."
T- "I'm not opening this door anytime soon."
B- "Then I'll go get my pillow and a blanket. I told you Tristan, I'm not moving away from this door until you let me in."

There was another moment of silence.  I heard Bryan get up from my door, probably to get his pillow and blanket, but he never sat back down. I opened the door to see him sitting across the hall against his door.  "So, are you finally going to let me in now?" He said while smirking at me. What a weirdo. I turn around to close the door again only to get tackled by Bryan. He pins me down to the floor while laughing at me. I knew he was going to hold me to the floor until I started laughing, or even just smiling.  He started tickling me knowing it would make me laugh.  I hate to admit it, but I did give in and we both started laughing.  We were probably laughing on the floor for the next 5 or 10 minutes. I'm not really sure, but it was a while.  Once we started to calm down, Bryan sat on my bed signaling me to sit next to him.  This was either gonna be good new or bad news.

T- "Do I have to sit next to you?"
B- "Do you wanna hear the good news?"
T- "Yeah sure."
B- "Y/N allowed us to visit them once in a while if we call them or text them ahead of time."
T- "Really?!"
B- "Yeah! I have an extra apartment key so we can get in without bothering them."
T- "That's amazing! Wow."

I don't think I've ever been happier to hear news like this. I could tell Bryan could see how happy I was. He asked if I wanted to visit tomorrow just to check on them, but with how I hung up on them I don't think they're ready to see me yet.  We were most likely gonna visit within the next two or three days which they were fine with.  We were all excited to see each other and hang out, just the three of us without drama or anything.

*Bryan POV*

I asked Tristan if he wanted to visit Y/N tomorrow, but he responded no thinking they didn't want to see him after he hung up like that.  I understood what he was saying.  I told him I wouldn't visit them without him, but honestly I was going to see Y/N tomorrow to talk to them about...things.  I hope they're okay with what I have to talk about.  Again, I don't wanna make them uncomfortable in any way...

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