Encounter with a Malfoy pt.2

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~The morning after the party~

*Slowly wakes up,yawns,and looks at clock*

"Oh shoot I'm late for class! Ginny! Ginny wake up!" Octavia says as she throws a pillow at Ginny

"What is it?" Ginny asked

"We're late for class come on" Octavia said pacing back and forth putting on clothes

"What! How did we over sleep?" Ginny asked

"I'm not sure but hurry up let's go" Octavia said

~Once they were ready they rushed down to their flying lessons~

"Be sure to steer with your body" Madam rolanda said

"Madam rolanda! Sorry we're late we over slept" Octavia said running toward her

"I wondered where you two were" Madam rolanda said

"How much did we miss?" Ginny asked

"Not much I'm just teaching everyone how to steer on a broom. Now get yours and start practicing and don't be late again" Madam rolanda

"Won't happen again" Ginny and Octavia said at the same time then got on their brooms

~After flying lessons~

"I'll be in the great hall studying since we have an hour until our next class" Octavia said

"Ok i'll just go rest" Ginny said as they went their seprate ways

"Oi Octavia! I'm assuming you over slept." Harry said walking towards her

"Yes I did. Would you care to study with me? Octavia asked

"Sorry but no I'm looking for ron."Harry replied

"Alright well see you later" Octavia said as she then sat down

"I don't know it isn't even supposed to make sense" Draco said as him and Goyle were discussing their disagreements on the history of wolfs

"It's literally simple I mean man turns into wolf." Goyle said

"No it's more complicated than that because how did they even become one in the first place?" Draco stated

"Well u see-" Goyle started but got cut off

"Hey guys" Crabbe interrupted

"Crabbe can't you see we are talking" Draco said

"Look who it is" Crabbe pointed

"Let's go talk to her. Oi Octavia!" Draco said

"Draco? What is it?" Octavia asked in an annoying way closing her book

"Nothing I just wanna say something" Draco said

"Well I don't wanna listen" Octavia said getting up

"Wait! I wanna say I'm impressed" Draco said

"Impressed by what?" Octavia asked completely puzzled

"Well no one has ever stood up to me before and it was very brave of you" Draco said

"Uh ok I mean to you except someone not to?" Octavia asked

"To be honest no. But I like the strength you have in you." Draco said

"I wanna say thank you but then again taking a compliment from my enemy is weird" Octavia said

"Hey who said we're enemies?" Draco asked

"I did now if you excuse me I have to go" Octavia said leaving

~Octavia left and the day carried on~

~Ok so I'm going to end it here. So I'm on summer break I have been since may and even though it's summer I'm still busy so bear with me when it comes to posting also sorry this chapter is short~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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