The Confession

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Dust was out doing his job, though, he hadn't told Nightmare he was going out, so he tried his best to hurry back to the castle. When he finally got back, everyone was out of the castle, ordered by Nightmare. Nightmare himself was still in the castle though, as soon as Nightmare heard the door open and close he yelled for Dust to come upstairs. Dust did so, know what would happen if he hadn't. Dust walked up to Nightmare's room and took a deep breath, he then opened the door and walk in, closing the door behind him. "B-Boss..?" Dust had asked he was stuttering because he didn't see Nightmare anywhere. Nightmare had appeared behind him, he grabbed him by the arm. Dust quickly turned and faced Nightmare, having to look up slightly. "Where were you." Nightmare asked as if Dust had pissed him off badly. "I was just out doing my job.. Boss" Dust said, trying to make it seem like he wasn't afraid of Nightmare. "You didn't tell me or anyone that you had gone out. What is the meaning of that.?" Nightmare asked, in a very sturdy voice. "I-I just wanted to go by myself.. to clear my head...I'm sorry I didn't say anything.." Dust said, losing the voice he had before. Nightmare had looked away before finally pulling Dust into a hug, he nuzzled his face into Dust's neck. "Never do that again, you scared me. I thought someone had token you.." Nightmare said, sounding kinda upset. "B-Boss, I.. What are you doing..?" Dust had never really understood when people got close to him or touched him, he usually just pushed them off and yelled at them, but this time, he let Nightmare stay, kinda feeling bad. "Dust... I... I love you... a lot... I just... never knew how to.. say it... but I really do..." Nightmare said, he sounded even more upset now. Dust was in shock, he slowly looked at Nightmare and smiled a bit, he was really happy as well, he slowly laid his head down on Nightmare's head and gently laughed a bit. "I love you too, boss.. I just thought you would get mad at me... so I never told you.." Dust had said, he looked upset. Nightmare slowly lifted his head and Dust would move his, Nightmare looked Dust in the eyes and kissed him, harshly, meaning he was a bit mad. Dust kissed back, gently slowly being pulled closer by his waist by Nightmare. Nightmare would stop and look at the murder that now belonged to him, he smiled a bit and teleported them to the bed and lay down with Dust. Dust would snuggle up to Nightmare and lay his head on Nightmare's chest, as Nightmare put a gently tentacle around him, and closed his eyes, Dust would do the same. In a few minutes both were asleep, peacefully.

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