The beggining of the end or a new paradise

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Narrator POV:
It was a normal day for the main cast of sk8 or as normal as it can get. Miya was trying to get cherry to buy him a new game. Renga were doing their normal shenanigans (langaxreki =renga and you know their usual shenanigans of langa eating and reki teaching him more tricks on how to skate). Shawdow was still trying to get over the manager and joe was trying to get all the attention from the girls that were a the skating park then cherry and joe would start fighting. So it's basically their normal shenanigans.

All of them acted like a family cherry and joe were the parents on how they acted like a married couple, reki and langa acted the the older siblings that you could count on most of the time but are very chaotic, Miya is that younger sibling that know everything about everyone and always plays games, and lastly but not least shawdow acted like he was the babysitter of all of them or that one uncle or grown up that you could always count on.

  All of them thought it was a good idea to meet up at the skate park so that they could practice for S later on.
   They even asked Tadashi and Adam to come along but at first all of them didn't think it was a good idea. After some time with the both of them they began to slowly become to like eachother. What they didn't know was that their lives were about to change for the worst.

Reki POV:
    Man when are they gonna get here I've been waiting here for 10min I even brought langa some food my mom made. Finally after some time they began showing up little by little until we were all here. "So guys I may or may not have asked Tadashi to bring Adam" (reki and Tadashi talked to the group about who Tadashi is and who Adam is too so that would get to know him without the mask) both cherry joe looked pissed and disappointed, Miya and Langa just looked creeped out and shawdow was sobbing over losing the maneger to another man and he looks so sober did he drink at joe's restaurant again. "I know we all look unhappy about this but this could help us help Adam think that skating is fun again".

      Cherry just looked at me pissed "if Adam ever pulls some sketchy or dumb stunt imma hit him with Carla for payback" joe was trying to calm down cherry but he also looked like he was in agreement.

Tadashi POV:
  I hope this works but why do i have to go again I'm still not over that time I left reki at the love hotel. "Looks like we're almost there Mr. Ainosuke" Mr.Ainosuke looks both happy and sad. Probably because he finally learned that Langa isn't his Eve. At least that episode is over (Tadashi please don't break the 4th wall I probably won't have flex tape for it. Tadashi: "fine I'll stop bye see you next time viewers" Tadashi what did I say imma need a lot of flex tape)

    Finally we arrived to the skating park that reki told me about. "Mr.Ainosuke we're here sir" we then both get out of the car and it drives off. I then walk up to the group "Hi reki and good day to all of you" (let's just say that reki and Tadashi exchanged numbers  and became friends). "Mr.Ainosuke please pay your respects and greet them and why do you have black hoodie on please take it off you look like if Miya was emo" I could hear a little angry hey from Miya and he was trying to scratch me but reki held him back he was also surprisingly hissing ate like real cat. I was trying so hard to take of Mr.Ainosuke's hoodie until finally I took it of.

"Mr.Ainosuke please stop with what you're doing we came here to have a good time" Everyone just looked at me surprised and amused they also looked at Mr.Ainosuke the same way.

  Narrator POV:
  After some time the group slowly but surely started to get along but cherry still wanted to hit Adam with Carla since he just installed Carla a gun mood just I case Adam did something again and joe wanted to join in but they didn't since they didn't want the kids to see. After some time of skating and shawdow still being sober they went to eat at joe's restaurant since he still had another 30 minute break.

  On the way langa grabbed reki's hand and holder it the entire way to joe's restaurant and reki was blushing the entire way too and since langa is so oblivious he didn't think much about it but Miya was teasing reki the entire way. Joe and Cherry were still thinking of beating Adam up but forgot about the idea when Miya grabbed joe's and and cherry's hand and made them both hold each other's hand. Miya was just taking photos the the two couples. Tadashi and Adam were dealing with a sober shawdow hugging Tadashi like a bear and crying on him.
  Once they got to joe's restaurant and went inside Tadashi finally asked what's wrong with shawdow and joe just answered "his heart got broken by his manager then when we had langa's party shawdow figured out he has a thing for managers with is reki and langa's manager" "That makes sense"

After some time of chatting and goofing around they heard a scream from outside joe went to check out the door since it was made of glass so did the other what they say, they couldn't believe their eyes.
"W-what is that is that a ......"
To be Continued...

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