Chapter 25

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"Can we have the 113A weight class come to the cafeteria for their awards now, please? Thank you."

The very loud, and clear voice suddenly boomed overhead. Grabbing my phone, I casually walked over to the cafe, where I found my family, they all were eating some kind of food.

Cam, a piece of pizza, nachos for Avery, and my parents both had chili dogs.

In the corner, accepting a 2nd place trophy was Tanner. His dad was taking a picture of him, and he was all smiles. Darry and Mr. Wilson were talking to a coach from up north somewhere- so, as I walked up to the table, I felt all eyes look at me.

"Savannah Eames, 113."

I tell the guy. He squints his eyes and looks down at the sheet.

"Ah, the first place one."

He reaches behind him, and hands me a big freaking trophy, a nice one too.

Willexburg Junior High Wrestling, 113- First Place-

was on the plaque on the bottom, wow this felt good.

As I turned around, 2 of the kids from my weight class were standing there, including chocolate eyes. Their eyes were immediatley drawn to my shiny trophy.

Walking away from them quickly, I was headed for the table unil someone stopped me.

"Hey, Savannah, may I get a photo for the newspaper?"

I regionized the guy holding the camera, he was the one that always wrote my articles, Charles Lewis.


I say as I back towards the wall, getting ready.

"Ready, one, two, three-"

The camera's flash went off, blinding me. Charles smiled at the photo, then looked at me.

"It looks great, Savannah. Thank you, and congradulations on your win!"

Again, he smiles, making his wrinkles seeming even more noticable on his face.

"No, thank you."

I tell him happily.

Finally making my way over again to the table where they were still eating, I set it on the table, and sit.

Cam's eyes go wide.

"Wow, that's big."

Is all that comes out of his mouth at this moment.

Avery quickly gets up, to go get some more nachos. She was showing a bit more now, she had to be around 2 months now, my guess.

"I saw your last match, you did good."

I look at Cam, and he's got the trophy in his hands, and he's studying it.

"Oh, and guess who turned 18?"

Cam's lips curl into a smirk, and my mom groans in frustration at him.

"Cameron, you remind us everyday about this, give it a rest!"


Cam whisper yells to her, making him seem like a 5 year old kid.

My dad quietly laughs, and my mom gives him a look, and he stops.

"So, what are we talking about, my lovely people?"

Avery says through a mouth full of nachos, and she sits.

"How I'm 18, my love."

He takes a napkin and wipes her chin off.

They smile at each other, making me smile as always.

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