"the break up"/t.h

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Yn:I'm not talking to you tayler
Tayler:baby stop overreacting it's all you ever do if I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't be here rn god damn it yn you make loving you so fucking hard
Yn:yeah well sorry I font hang out with my ex boyfriend and act like we're together when we get stopped by fans
Tayler:if I wanted her I would be with her yn
Yn:you never know what the hell you want and I make it hard
Tayler:when was the last time you got off my ass
Yn:I'm so sorry that I love you and I care I'm sorry I a fuck up is that want you want to here holder
Tayler:your not a fuck up yn it was a one time thing
Yn:fine then I'm going to dm my ex to hang out for a day
Tayler:no the hell your not
Yn:oh so if I was to do that you would be mad but you can do it and I can get mad wow
Tayler:god damn it yn just shut the hell up
Yn:fine we're over I'm done I cant do this on more
Tayler:baby dont do that
Yn:no I'm done
I try to walk away but then tayler pulls me back to him
Tayler:baby I love you and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I love you baby
Yn:its not working
Tayler:oh be it will tho you won't break up with me I just know it you'll be back you always be
Yn:bye tayler
Tayler:again your not going nowhere
There was a knock on the door
Yn:might want to go get that munght be one of your ex girlfriends
Tayler:babe stop
Tayler walks to get the door and look I was right charly fucking jonden
Tayler:what are you doing here?
Charly:just wanted to say hi
Tayler:well I have to go
He shuts the door
Yn:oh looky I was right
Tayler:baby I promise I had no idea
I just look down
Yn:I really cant do this rn
Tayler:baby pls done
Yn:I think we should take a break
Tayler:baby pls dont I love you and we can work this out we always do
Yn:no I'm going upstairs
I walk upstairs
Charli:hey b-woah what happened
Yn:me and tayler get in a fight and we're taking a break I just need time*crying*
Charli:awe I'm so sorry b ill go get ice cream and watch moves okay
I go to my room minutes later char comes back
Charli:here you go your favourite cookie dough
We watched moves and charli fell asleep but I couldn't so I walked outside to the pool
Tayler:its late baby you should go inside
Yn:cant sleep
We walks up to me and sets next to me
Tayler:do you still love me
Yn:ofc I do tayler why you ask
Tayler:because you never cry after a fight and you did this one and you never actually wanted to break up with me
Yn:I guess I know I can be replaced easy and I font want you leaving me for her
Tayler:baby I'm never going to leave you I want you and only you I've loved someone like I love you baby so trust me babygirl I'm not going nowhere your stuck with me
Yn:doesn't sound that bad
He smiles and kisses me and kisses my neck
Tayler:can I take you upstairs
Yn:yes but no nasty shit
Tayler:damn it not even a little 
he puts his hand on my thigh
Yn:okay just a little
He smiles

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