New Years kiss (Rob Bourdon, Linkin Park)

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"Bourdie, only ten more minutes!! Have you found someone to kiss yet?" Chester was so close to being wasted, that Talinda had to hold him up. Rob smiled softly.

"Not yet Chaz. But it's fine if I don't. It doesn't really matter."

Chaz made a horrified face, or tried to, and gasped.

"You have to kiss someone on New Years Eve. It's a tradition! But you can always steal a waitress. They're flipping hot," he said with a smirk. Tal slapped him on the arm.

"Hehe, sorry babe. I love you." The beautiful woman smiled and replied, "I love you too babe." Chester smiled and Talinda walked with him to a couch.

Rob watched them silently. A slight void seemed to settle in his heart. When would he find someone?

While Rob was going over his thoughts, Phoenix was able to sneak over to him.

"Hey Rob. Listen, there's a girl over by the bar," he said, pointing towards the bar, "and she seems pretty lonely. I don't know who she is, but no guys have made a move on her yet. Why don't you try?" Rob looked at Dave, then at the girl.

"I don't know, Dave........"

"C'mon! You gotta live a little. You got more of a chance then Joe," he whispered the last part.

Rob chuckled at the comment.

"Fine." Mustering his courage, he slowly strode over to the bar.

When he sat down on a bar stool, he quickly glanced at the girl. From the side he could tell she had sharp features and ebony hair. His chest slightly deflated when he noticed her long, sexy legs. Fuck, she was hot!

"H-hi, I'm R-rob," he stuttered. The girl turned towards him. She had green-grey eyes, and a windows peak. But the soft smile that appeared on her face was almost enough to make Rob blush.

"Hello," she said. Her eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement when the drummer fumbled over his words.

"I'm R-rob."

She giggled.

"You already said that," she said. Rob blushed.

"Hehe, right. Um, I was wondering---" he was cut off when the crowd started to count down.

" New Year!" The crowd shouted. Rob looked over to his friends. Talinda and Chester were happily making out, Mike gave Anna a peck on the lips, and Brad dipped Elisa, kissing her. Rob looked back at the girl and smiled. She smiled back.

"Happy New Year, Rob," she said and gave him a peck. She gracefully stood up and walked towards the entrance to the club, leaving the drummer gaping.

"Hey, wait up!" he shouted, getting up out of his seat and running after the girl. Maybe this was his chance to fill that void inside of his chest.

The End......or is it?

Did you guys like it? Bourdie got a little loving. ;)

New Years kiss (Rob Bourdon, Linkin Park)Where stories live. Discover now