Chapter 1

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S1 EP1

"Ahh! what a day, am I right man?" I ask my best friend, Jackson, but I call him Jack for short.

Anyways I haven't introduced myself to you so here goes. Hey, I'm Max, 18 years old and I'm a girl with a penis.

"Hell yeah! I even banged some hotties" he snickers.

"Watch out, and don't catch anything" I say with a stern voice, he just stares at me. "Come on man I'm serious, I don't want you to running to me about some damn STDS".

"Ok, ok I know, and I won't I gotchu, man, this is why I love you" He says and I send him a smile and bro hugs him. Anyways since I didn't tell you where I'm at at, or where me and jack were ok so basically we were at a bar.. OK you caught us, we both have a fake IDs so we, yes me and jack can get in whenever we want HA jokes on them, they're so stupid like literally how can u tell it's not a real thing ID.... ok well it does look real.

"Ok here we are, your stop, hurry and get out". I tell him and he quickly jumps out the car coming to the driver seat. I get out dapping him up and doing our handshake before driving off.

..Ahh fuck I have school tomorrow and it's literally 5AM. I didn't tell you, well of course not I wanted the intro to be dramatic you know how like in that movie it's like, Hi I'm Ryan, and my life is.. kinda crazy. Sorta like that.. but better, anyways once I park into my apartment oh let me also mention I live by myself and my parents live in a huge ass mansion in Miami.. far from where I am. They never visit so kinda brings me down but I try my best, Anyways.

I sorta like living here by myself, but sometimes I get lonely, don't get me wrong having an apartment to yourself is practically the best but like I said, lonely.

I get to my room strip out of my clothes, hop in the shower, hop out, and I put on some clothes. (btw I'm gonna put clothes that you can pick if you want) I'm not gonna lie I look hot as fuck!.

 (btw I'm gonna put clothes that you can pick if you want) I'm not gonna lie I look hot as fuck!

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I'm just gonna take like a.. 5 minute nap which technically speaking isn't a nap but.. whatever.

I wake up to the mighty blue sky.. aww forkaty fork, I said 5 minutes. Aww shittt! I'm dead, I'm so dead, and it's the first day, what the shirtballs. I scurry up from my bed, spraying some cologne on me, and fixing my hair, also my you know what, and juggling mouth wash in my mouth while speeding out my room.

I walk out the door as quickly as I can running to my car. I speed down the road to.. ST McLain high school, Its the last year baby! I can do this. I quickly run into the school almost tripping because of how fast I'm running, while looking at my schedule. OK, so mrs. rude ass first, aww how lovely.

I open the classroom door and once I do all eyes are on me but I don't care because I'm currently having a staring contest with someone. My blue eyes connects with a green eyed girl. We stare for a moment before we're interrupted by Mrs. rude ass. I roll my eyes and let a breath out I didn't even know I was holding.

"Why are you late Miss. Rogers!" she's practically screaming at this point. I put my hand up and I walk to the nearest desk, which is behind the green eyed hottie. I smirk thinking about her. I start to tap my pencil on my desk not caring about anything she teaching us, I know everything already, it's literally 11th grade over again.

"Hey can you please fucking irritating" she asks not politely at all, I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I ask in surprise, she did not just tell me to stop. Sorry to break it to ya babe but this is America, and we have rights so.

"I said stop, what do you think I'm afraid of you or something?" She asks scoffing I sit there in surprise.

"N-no not at all, I j-just wanted to uhm.." I start stuttering, the effect she has on me and it's only has been a hour and 20 minutes and 5 seconds now 6.

"Mhm okay buddy, you maybe should get checked out with that stuttering of yours. She says and turns back around with a smirk on her face.


"omg that's literally so funny, how did that even happen" I'm currently sitting here at the lunch table with my friends Ashlee, Katie, Jack, John, and somehow the new girl which I still haven't figured out her name.

"Ok so we sorta just started fighting I mean it was intentional he pushed me so I just got pissed and started going at him" Ashlee starts laughing, I glance over at Vanessa talking with John and for some reason I just wanted to interrupt them.

"Hey John, you trying out for basketball this year, or are u gonna fail every time you try out" I interrogate with a laugh while everyone else laughs excluding Vanessa and John. Vanessa just rubs Johns back. I scoff quietly

"Look max I know you like making jokes but come on, you know I try, it's actually hard". I remove Vanessa hand and smack him on the back.

"I know bro, I'm just having a little fun" he nods and puts his head down. I frown and Ashlee rubs up and down on my thing trying to brighten the mood. Me and Ashlee never had anything or did anything. I obviously knows she likes me, I just don't feel the same. I remove her hand from my thigh gently and jump off the table.

"Listen John how about this year I help you, I can help you practice and we can go from there, we can also hit the gym like old times aye?" I ask him, politely as I can trying to brighten up the mood.

"Mm yeah sure, thanks max" I nod and dap him up while looking at Vanessa. For a second there I thought I seen something flash across her face, mm pity or no can't be love? Nah I'm tripping yo, we just met no way. I'm interrupted by John ugly ass.

"So I know me and Vanessa just met, but I asked her on a date and I wanna try this out". John says and I know I shouldn't but I felt jealous, now we obviously must met but, you know what that doesn't even matter.

"I- great, good for you man I'm happy, I know you haven't scored many pretty and beautiful, charming girls but hey you got.." I say stuttering a bit

"Vanessa, Vanessa moe dummy" she says with a smile. Oh that smile is to die for like shirt balls how'd he get with her he's literally like Peter Parker but just fairly ugly..

I can tell I've been staring for to long because John interrupts. "Listen Rogers don't try anything, but knowing you, you get whoever u want" he says but with a serious voice and a laugh.

"I don't know man you she kinda my type" I say smirking while checking her out. She just laughs and we stare at each other and before John can clear his throat once again the bell rings signaling us to go home. We say our goodbyes but before I can go I'm grabbed by the wrist and Vanessa gives me a kiss on the cheek while whispering in my ear.

"Study partner?" She asks and I stand there frozen in my spot I feel a paper in my hand. And she just walks away I open it and it's her number. Sorry John but she is mines

" aye kid get out of here you've been standing there for 20 minutes, your parents will be worried" the janitors says, I laugh a little and shake my head because the word parents got to me and I went home sad but I then remembered those green eyes staring right into mine.


Well I'm not that good at writing but first ever book🙂

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