Chapter 2

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---Roses' POV---

It was a Tuesday. I remeber it as if it was yesterday. Emilia came to school with a larger backpack than usual. In my head I told myself to question it, instead I stayed quite. "Eye bags under her eyes, hairs a mess, same uniform as yesterday." I noted in my head. Mum always says I was observant, more observant of people I trust than people I don't. That was always a fault of mine she said. I don't see why. Figeuring her parents had been arguing again, I didn't press the subject. If, she wanted to talk, she would. The day went by as normal until maths. We were told to write down the date in our books. Scanning the board, I felt my whole body freeze. 

'Tuesday the 29th of September 2010.' The day me and Emilia had planned to leave. Glancing over to Emilia, she was lookign at me out the corner of her eye. She smirked and mouthed 'happy birthday'. She didn't even look at me, she knew I could see. 

"You have to promise!" She cries, batting her eyelashes. 

"Okay okay! What is the date again?"

She huffes in frustation. "29th of September 2010 you will be 14 and so will I!"

"I pinky swear, on that date we leave. No more parents arguing, no more nothing!"

"Yey!" She squeales before going back to her sandcastle.

I was really excited now. My parents are divorced and my mums new boyfriend Rick is really weird. 

"My sandcastle looked bad compared to Emilia's so I'm going to build mine huger!" My brain giggled.

After school we walked to the park and Emilia unpacked her bag. She must've known I completely forgot as she had bought me and extra pair of clothes and some extra food. That evening, we left. Left the village we had both grown up in, left the people we had grown up with, left everything. Without a care in the world.

~Authors Note~

I'm trying to keep these paragraphs short so I don't give away the whole story in 1 paragraph! It gets better I swear just stick with me!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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