How To Survive A Zombie Apocolypse- Five

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I was right and when we got into town we found it pretty much deserted, the only zombies left were the slow ones, the ones who only had an upper half and dragged themselves along or the ones with their chests ripped open and broken legs. With that in mind not only did we get another two cars, we filled them with food and bottled water from the store in town.

There was a bit of a debate over who went in what car. Brian said that me, Sandy and Luke shouldn’t be riding alone. He was easy to convince though when we pointed out Sandy was the best fighter out of us all, I’d been on my own since the beginning and Luke had apparently wiped a whole town of zombies out about a week back. But that wasn’t the only issue, Badass Guy, also known as Zak, didn’t want to be stuck in a car with Emotional Lady, Maggi, and Maggi didn’t feel safe in either my car or the car with just Brian, Chris and Lilly. Basically Maggi thought that if we got split up for any reason the safest place to be was with Zak. She was probably right but I didn’t blame Zak, Maggi wouldn’t stop crying.

“Look, Maggi. Until you have grown a pair, Zak won’t let you in his car so that’s not happening. Same with us. Lilly and Chris have said you can travel with them and then Brian can drive with Zak which they are both fine with. Now, you either get in that god damn car or we leave you here because guess what, not all the zombies from up there are dead and they’ll be right back here in a couple of hours.” Sandy stopped talking and waited. It didn’t look as if Maggi was going to say anything. “Fine, good luck on your own Maggi.” Then she walked over to my jeep and banged on the bonnet, barely able to reach. “Let’s go people I want a hundred miles between us and this place by sundown!”

“NO! I-I’ll go with Chris and Lily.” Maggi sobbed. I noticed Zak roll his eyes and I smirked at him.

“Right, we’re heading North.” I said, it had been decided on the way into town but I wanted everyone to be clear. “Me Luke and Sandy will take front, Chris Lily and Maggi, you’re in the middle. Zak and Brian, you’re bringing up the rear, is that cool with everyone?”Everyone nodded apart from Zak who just tipped his hat.

“I’ve not heard or seen of anyone travelling like this so we need to be extra careful.” Zak informed us. “Alex, you’ll be driving I assume?” I nodded in agreement. “Luke, it’d be best for you to be on watch, any sign of trouble and you let it be known ok?” Luke nodded. “The signal for trouble is three flashes of your lights, that signal means we speed the fuck up and get out of there. Anything else just slow down and stop. For us at the back and the middle car, any problem or anything that we need to stop for, five light flashes. Only use your horn as a last resort and then only if we are in a whole ocean of shit. Clear?” We all nodded and then got in our cars. 

“Shotgun!” Called Sandy. I smiled at her sadly.

“Sorry Sandy, Luke will have to ride upfront. He’s our watchman kay?” Sandy sighed.

“I guess it makes sense.” She climbed in the back and put her feet up, settling down for the drive. Man I wished I could just go to sleep.

We drove through mile after mile of dense forest, not stopping or slowing. We managed to avoid all the little settlements as we went. We’d all had enough killing for one day. Finally we came out of the trees and into a flat expanse, in the distance I could see a mountain range jutting up from the horizon.

“We ok to stop?” I asked Luke. He nodded.

“Yeah, the next towns a good ten miles off.” I looked at him questioningly. “I’ve been keeping a note on the road signs.”

“Ok.” I slowed to a stop and flashed my lights five times to be sure they understood.

“Why have we stopped?” Asked Maggi, fidgeting with the ends of her hair.

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