•|• Monster Hunter •|•

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Vanir is busy on an expedition at the moment so he won't be here to interview 😙


Name: ( Vanir or Van for short )

Age: ( 20 )

Sexuality: ( Homosexual )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Male )



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( 5'10 )

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( 5'10 )

Nationality: ( Arkish/ born in Arklin aka the new world )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He's very knowledgeable about how to fight the monsters, and he has to be athletic and good with his sword, along with quick witted otherwise he would've died out in Arklin when he was a newborn. He works best alone and knows how to use a variety of weapons although he prefers to use a sword over other things since it can do a lot more damage in case he comes across a huge monster that he has to fight. Vanir can make use of his surroundings and knows a lot about plants, what's good and what's not good to eat and the effects they may have on your body. The male is very protective, almost like a mama bear, and if he values you in any way he will do his best to protect you even if it costs him his life. )

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