Introduction to Series

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Hi guys! I am super excited you decided to read this story! 

I'll try to keep this short ;) 

First of all, I would like to thank @AbbyBrenton05 for introducing me to the Newsies! I don't know where I'd be without you or the music you introduced me to.

Alright, this is the first book in my series called Carrying the Banner, and it's based on Disney's Newsies, so most of the characters and some plotlines are not my own. However, the first book centers mostly around my original character, Avery DaSilva. There are some tough issues dealt with in this book, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

So, in the words of the little one, "Can we table the palaver and get back to business?"

Signing out,

Ann_fanfiction :) 

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