We are Not Friends

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"Stop it, Mom. Okay? The decision is not just yours to make."

I sighed as soon as the grim Elizabeth shut the door and left.

We had just finished debating whether or not to leave Riverdale. I plan to just sell the house, leave this place and start a new life somewhere else. But my daughter and her friends are still trying to save the whole neighborhood even with the ascendancy of SoDale.

I am proud of them and I love Riverdale, but regardless of how much I adored this small town, it unquestionably caused us all a slew of major problems in our lives. Others have been causing me pain since I was a youngster. I already grew older and started a family, but the nightmare that was this place never seemed to stop. Now, I'm afraid that the town's misfortune would impact Juniper and Dagwood as well.

After a few minutes of resting my eyes, I headed straight to Thistlehouse to fetch my grandchildren. They spent the morning with their Aunt Cheryl and insisted of visiting their Nana Rose for lunch.

I was watching Juniper talking with Nana Rose while waiting for Cheryl who went to her room to get something, when I heard a familiar frisky voice.

My eyes dilated in shock as soon as I saw Penelope Blossom on the threshold of the living room. She wasn't as surprised as me, but I'm sure she was not expecting to see me, too.

Her signature smile was on as she scanned me from head to toe.

"Alice Smith..." she let out an evil laugh that made my brow shot up.

"You're beginning to look quite raddled."

"It's because it's crazy out here. I have been witnessing the fall of Riverdale for a while now." I dramatically sighed. "I'm surprised you look gorgeous as ever, Penelope. Tell me, is it so refreshing inside Shanksaw Prison?" I smirked as I saw her confident aura dwindled a while.

We remained looking at each other for some seconds more until Cheryl appeared.

"Oh, hi, Miss Smith. I failed to give Betty these toothsome cupcakes earlier. Take them please."

"Thank you for these and for entertaining my grandchildren."

"Anything for these two precious offsprings."

Cheryl twinkled and hunkered down to hug Juniper and Dagwood.

"Uhm, grandmom, can we stay a little longer with Aunt Cheryl?" Juniper asked softly. Her eyes kind of reminded me of Cheryl's red-haired twin brother.

I stared blankly at Juniper, not knowing outright what to say.

"Please, grandmom." Dagwood added.

"Oh you, two." Cheryl hugged them tighter before transferring her eyes at me.

"Please, Miss Smith. I promise that I will take good care of them and bring them home before sunset. Besides, it's so obvious that we miss each other very much. Don't you see?" A hammy expression was written on her face.

"You know what, Alice. Why don't you let these kids stay here longer and come with me for some hour? I am going to the neighbor town for my spa treatments. We'll go home before evening, so you can take the weans home with you yourself."

"That's a bright idea, grandmom. You and nonna can spend time with each other, while we stay with Aunt."

"Pretty please, grandmom."

Remembering Betty and Polly in the looks of my grandchildren, I nonchalantly nodded my head.

"Alice Susanna Smith."

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