Jacob's Date

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I drive up to the local ice cream parlor and see Elizabeth by the entrance. She looks very happy to see me, she gave me a quick kiss before we enter the building. It had a very 50's look to it, complete with a vintage jukebox,

(Jacob Rossi) This is a nice place!

(Elizabeth Afton) I agree!

We went to the counter to order our tasty dessert, 

(Jacob Rossi) I'll take a Mint Chip please.

(Elizabeth Afton) I will have plain vanilla!

(Server) You got it!

He pointed out a 2 seat table by a far corner and once Elizabeth looked away, he looked at me and winked.

I grinned at him as we got to our seats and started talking,  

(Jacob Rossi) Last night was pretty creepy.

(Elizabeth Afton) How so?

(Jacob Rossi) Candy just kept starting at the cameras all night.

(Elizabeth Afton) She probably just wants a good look at you, I know I like looking at you~

I gave her a warm smile,

(Jacob Rossi) Thanks, but it wasn't the same as when Baby and the others were looking at me. It felt less flirty and more...cold.

(Elizabeth Afton) That's....kinda weird.

The server came back with our ice creams and we began eating them as we continued,

(Elizabeth Afton) I'll try to see if I can't more details about any issues they have.

She smiles at me and I feel very grateful, knowing that she is willing to help me out,

(Elizabeth Afton) My day went okay but not the best..

(Jacob Rossi) What happened?

(Elizabeth Afton) This one woman kinda gave me a hard time for loving you...

She looked saddened,

(Jacob Rossi) That's ridiculous! Who would do that?!

(Elizabeth Afton) Her name is Mary.

(Author's Note: I think we all know where I'm going with this right?)

(Jacob Rossi) Well don't let "Mary" give you any sort of hard time, okay? 

(Elizabeth Afton) Thanks Jacob, I love you.

I smile as I say,

(Jacob Rossi) I love you too Elizabeth.

(Elizabeth Afton) Tonight, just talk to Candy and see what's going on!

(Jacob Rossi) Got it!

We both kiss before we walk out of the parlor,

(Elizabeth Afton) Thank you for this..

She giggles as she blushes heavily,

(Jacob Rossi) Anytime!

I get back to my car and put on "Too close to the fire" and drive back to my house to get ready for the next night.

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