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"What is love? A chemical reaction? A connection? Or... An empty word?"

"When you ask a genius on what is 'Love' they'll reply with something reasonable or something true."

"Love. Love is the definition of having an intense feeling of deep affection."

"If we base that definition of love off of anything... That means we can love anything if we have a deep affection for it... But then is it not then similar to obsession?"

"So ask yourself this. Is the person you love... Love? Or is it just a fixation?"

Saying the last of the paragraph I close the book and then glance at the stranger next to me whose once beautiful bouquet was now in a disarray. "Those are the words I ask myself," I quietly said.

Getting up from the rotten bench I watch as the train turn to a stop at the station. Turning towards the stranger I pat their shoulder in comfort, "And I also think you should question those words for yourself too." I whisper trying to encourage and hopefully help the poor stranger.

Walking away from the stranger I step onto the train and take my seat. Sighing, I smile.

Love or ObsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora