Part One- Realization

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The frigid air hit against the bare skin in the slits of her ivory gloves. She didn't know where she had ended up after these 500 years, but she knew it was someplace cold. She used to shiver at the cold but she had gotten used to it. She couldn't show any vulnerability, especially around her subjects. She was the Abyss Princess after all.


She remembered the day very clearly, thought it was 500 years ago, she remembered it as if it were a week ago. Her brother and her travelling to Teyvat in hopes of a new adventure and excitement but instead witnessing the horrid Archon War. They had tried to leave but were blocked by an Unknown God, and she was taken away from her brother. She still remembered Aether's cries at the woman, how he had called out to her, the final glimpse she had gotten at him before being sent to that place.

She was scared, confused, and lost. She ran through the ruins of the shattered world, desperately trying to escape and find her brother... it was pointless though, or so she had thought. She saw with her own eyes the destruction that had happened.

The only reason she was in the position she was was for the Mages of the Abyss Order. They told her she could avenge her brother and take power. They told her she was destined for greatness, for power, for satisfaction...

She sighed as she looked down at the wasteland beneath her pristine white boots. All the Mages, monsters, and other wicked people. She despised all of them. The only thing she wanted to do was see her brother again. Aether...

She had only seen him once after being informed of his interference with Stormterror Dvalin, at his lair. The girl wanted nothing more than to go down there right then and there to see him again... but she couldn't bring herself to face him. Not as the Abyss Princess. Not as a villian. She wanted to face him as Lumine, his twin sister, the one who he had travelled many worlds with, the one he relied on more than anyone else.

He was her other half, she wanted nothing more than to get him back, it was her priority. Having the only person to understand her be ripped away from her grasp so suddenly...

"Ahem, your highness, but might I-"

"Archons, how many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?!" she turned and glared at the mage, her most "faithful subject". What a load of shit. They were all just using her. She was too far deep into the Abyss to leave though, they had successfully taken her. And for that, she despised each and every "subject" she had bowing at her pitiful feet.

"My apologies princess Lumine, but we have just recieved word of your brother's whereabou-"

She bolted up from her throne. "You've found Aether? Is he hurt? What is he doing? Is he- ahem." She remained her composure. She couldn't be seen as weak around these filthy things. They would take the smallest hint of weakness and break her down once more.

"Where is Aether?" Lumine asked, returning to her cold nature.

"We have last heard that he is in Liyue Harbor. It is the time of the Lantern Rite festival where the people of Liyue honor Rex Lapis and the Adepti. He's helping out with all the festivities, as per usual. We've heard he has been most recently spotted heading to Jueyen Karst for materials. Shall we intercept him the-"

She clutced the mage from its hideous garment. It squirmed in her fist but she grabbed a tighter hold on it. "If any of you so much as lay a finger on my brother, you will be sent directly to me and be hurt a thousand times worse than you could ever imagine."

She dropped the disgusting creature on the ground of her mountain palace. "We had agreed that no harm comes to the boy. If any of you have harmed him in the slightest manner, consider your pitiful life over. Arrange for me to be taken to Jueyen Karst, immediately."

She turned and walked away, down the steps carved into the mountain. As she descended, chants of mages and fellow abyss men evers could be heard. She hated this so much, she wanted to destroy everyone involved with the Abyss.

'Just a little while longer. Hang in there just for a little while longer, it will all pay off in time.'

That's what she hoped for at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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