chapter 12:Not quite ready for Mondstadt to fall

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The next few weeks was quiet between the prince and his princess. Aether did not say much about last night. Instead they talked about Kaeya's duties and responsibilities. Kaeya really wasn't into work that much but he listened. Aether's voice was nice. It was calming to him.

Aether soon realized Kaeya wasn't paying attention. "Kaeya are you even listening? " "Oh- sorry dear, I must've spaced out. " Kaeya smiled and Aether couldn't possibly stay mad at him. He let out a soft sigh. "It's fine. " Kaeya kissed him. "You should do whatever you think is best for the abyss. After all I'm not best in this area, I'm more of a house wife. "

Kaeya smirked. "Or if you'd like... " And placed the tip of his finger on Aether's lips. "Your own personal sl-" "Your highness the Lord has agreed to take the prisoners. " Aether looked over and nodded. "Good." He fixed his posture while Keaya pouted.

"I have some things I wish to discuss with this abyss herald. I'll be back soon love. " Aether kissed Kaeya on the lips and Kaeya happily kissed back. "Don't take too long. I'll get lonely and needy for you. " Kaeya purred and kissed his cheek. "I love you. " "I love you too, Kaeya. "

And with that Aether left. Kaeya smirked. Time to start his mischievous plan and free his friends. Kaeya walked down to the dungeon. For some reason his dear husband didn't have any guards down here. He found that to be very strange.

Kaeya made his way to the cell once he grabbed the keys. "Security sucks down here" He mumbled.

Kaeya saw them and smiled. "Hey Diluc~" Diluc groaned. "Go away Kaeya. " "Go away? But I... " He pretended like his heart just got crushed. "I just wanted to help you get out.... But if you really don't want my help than I guess I'll leave... "

Diluc shot up and held onto the bars. "K-kaeya-! I'm joking please don't leave us in here! " "Even if I did what's so bad about it? You're getting food and water. " Lisa and Jean sighed. "No not really. " Kaeya flinched. "What do you mean? "

"We get food and water once a week to spilt between us. " "Not to mention it's only bread, a small loaf at that. " Kaeya was understandably upset. He never really hated Diluc. He cared about him. He kept his secrets because deep down he respected Diluc. And Jean and Lisa were close friends. How dare he not treat them at least decently?

"I..... " Kaeya sighed. "If I was aware I would've done this sooner. " Kaeya hesitantly unlocked to cell door. Carefully opening it and closing it back once they were out. "Come with me, I know a good place for you all to escape. "

They followed Kaeya and soon found themselves outside. Kaeya got a carriage ready and threw some things in the back just incase they needed food or water or such. "There, hurry up and leave don't let them-" "Kaeya you're coming with us. " Kaeya flinched. "H-huh? "

Diluc grabbed his hand and pulled Kaeya close. "I... We came here for you. " "I can't leave I have a husband and-" "Kaeya please... We need our Calvary captain back. " Kaeya never saw this side of Diluc. Well at least not in a while. Kaeya looked at the castle where he was held at.

Was he really fit to rule the abyss with his dear husband? What if he was just  using him? What if he kills him? Kaeya looked at Diluc and held his hand. "Take me with you Diluc... " As soon as the got in the carriage they heard shouting. This one sounded very familiar. "RETURN HIM AT ONCE! " They flinched. Aether definitely wasn't happy. "I'd suggest getting that horse to move before we're all dead. " Kaeya said nervously.

Soon the horse was running as fast as it could down the cursed land. Diluc looked behind them. "They definitely don't seem too happy about us stealing you back. " "Oh they'll get over it. " Kaeya grabbed a bow and handed it the Diluc. "Oh my dear Diluc, do me a favor and kill those ugly abyss creatures. " Diluc smirked and aimed the bow and arrow at one. "It'd be my pleasure, your Highness. "

While the girls got the horses to go faster the boys shot at the abyss creatures. They saw the opening way and luckily made it out. Lisa quickly closed it and they all panted. "Holy shit Albedo is there by himself. "

Kaeya started panicking. His best friend. His bestie. His one and only. His heart and soul was there all alone. "Oh my fucking archons Albedo-" "We'll have to get Albedo and Klee later Kaeya. " "For now it's best if we get Mondstadt back on track." Diluc helped Kaeya out of the carriage. "I promise we'll get them back."

Kaeya sighed and nodded. "You really would do that for me? I thought you hated me. " Diluc sighed and put his coat over Kaeya. "It's complicated but I don't hate you just.... " He sighed. "Just let's go back and get yourself some rest. Tomorrow drinks are on the house for you. " Kaeya couldn't help but smile.

He liked this Diluc.

Albedo was upset at Dainsleif. He could barely move up off the bed. "Is sorry really not enough dear? " "No, my ass hurts thanks to you. " Dainsleif laughed and layed right down next to him. "Take your shoes off before you lay on the bed. " "It's my bed. " "Our bed Dain. " Dainsleif sighed and slipped his shoes off next to the bed. "Couldn't you be a bit nicer to me? I could've done way worse. "

Albedo huffed. "Do it then. " Dainsleif let out a hum and proceeded to take off Albedo's clothes. "W-wait-! I didn't mean fuck me again-! " "There is more stuff I wanna try. " "Like what? " "I wanna suffocatr in between your thig-"  "Hey big brother Albedo can you-"

Klee gasped. "Are you guys playing a game? Can Klee play too!? " "It's a grown up game! Only grownups can play. " "But why? " "W-well." Albedo fixed his clothes. When he went to get up he held onto the bed. Slowly he got his balance steady. "When a daddy and a mommy love each other very much they want to play a grown up game. " Dainsleif said. "Dainsleif!! " "What? " Albedo huffed.

He kneeled down and kissed Klee's forehead. "When you get older I'll tell you. " "How old? " "Hm... When you're thirty" He said playfully. "That's too old! Lower it a bit pleaseee? " Albedo smiled. "Nope, gotta be that old. " "That's no fair! " "That's right Albedo, if I'm correct... I believe we were nineteen when you begged me to-" "Dainsleif! " Dainsleif smirked smugly.

"When you're nineteen okay? " "Okay! " Dainsleif sighed. Albedo's little sister stole his dear boyfriend away from him again. What a shame. And he was so close to being able to get suffocated between those soft thighs.

What a pain.


Ayo! Sorry it took so long to update! I was procrastinating a lot so sorry about that. I'll try to get another chapter out soon. Anyways if you can and have some friend or something who works at Wattpad I would love to get in contact to them about my gay one shot book so I can write Dainsleif and Albedo fucking again because yes. I gave a good reason.
Have a nice night/day/morning/evening. Dainsleif will get suffocated by Albedo's sweet thighs one day.

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