mixed feelings

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Perhaps it had been a little bit impulsive, but the opportunity, well they simply could not let it go. While they had walked in with the intention of casting Dumbledore's eyes off of the Slytherin House, they had walked out with the renewed plan of having Dumbledore focus solely on them. Of course, this plan could have a lot of downsides and there was likely to be some sort of backlash no doubt, but it was a good idea. They would just have to get Pansy and Blaise to do most everything else when it came to the finer details. While Tom was not exactly the most enthusiastic in regards to that he understood why it was a good idea.

He was willing to go along with it, partially because he knew the appeal. With Dumbledore too focused on them they would be able to regulate what Dumbledore thought he was seeing. It would be harder to do if Dumbledore was focused on everyone. So in the end, while it was a bit too last minute for Tom, and Draco's as well, taste it was not exactly under thought. There was quite a lot that they would be able to do, even if they were not the ones personally overseeing some of the more minute things in their ongoing plan to overtake Gryffindor, get revenge on that insufferable Golden Trio, and force everyone to bow down to Slytherin...

Well not necessarily bow down per say, but more like...understand the depth of their inaccurate information. They would not want to subjugate the entire school. Soon after that though, Tom and Draco would move onwards to Dumbledore, and disbanding his group of followers. It was rather exciting if Tom was honest with himself. He could not wait. Though he was patient, and he would wait for as long as it took.

Mistakes were made when one moved too quickly, as well as when things worked too slowly. It was a delicate balance which needed to be created. Draco was rather good at managing this balance, something which Tom found fortuitous. He could not have asked for a better ally in attempting these maneuvers. It would seem as though political capabilities ran within the Malfoy line.

Tom took a moment to glance over at Draco. The other had a trying day, with the meeting with Dumbledore. He had still done his part and Tom was more than happy with the results. One could never expect anything less than perfection from a Malfoy after all, and Draco had done quite well. There were still other things to prepare, something which Draco had already begun thinking of and, sitting next to him, had already begun drawing scenarios for the near future.

With Dumbledore focused on their wellbeing, thanks to the rather marvelous play done by Pucey, Draco, and himself, it had come to their attention that they could not simply leave it at one, oh how they wished they could. Even if they wanted to however it was a bad plan. Dumbledore was bound to focus on Pucey now, as well. Given the fact that Pucey was the one that they had administer the threats. The other had done quite well, but Tom would rather not see a repeat performance.

It was something that he mentioned in passing after the first instance, and Draco was clearly taking that into great consideration. That and the fact that having another close call as they had the previous time was definitely not on the to do list.

It would seem this performance that they would play was quite different to the last one. This time, Pucey would not get a hold of Draco, something which Tom was quite grateful for. In fact, the entire meeting would be rather distanced. Tom had added the neat idea of having his baby break down after wards. That way, despite the distance, it would seem a bit more real to the spies that Dumbledore would send. Or if not spies, Dumbledore himself.

With the first meeting being what it was, they needed this to bring more depth. This was a play, and Draco and Tom and Dumbledore the main actors. The biggest question was who would fall into their role best. It would have to be Dumbledore, otherwise what was the point in any of this in the first place? They were doing this for a good reason, and it needed to be done precisely.

"That is enough." Tom said gently, pulling Draco up from where he had been sitting at Tom's feet. "The plan is a good one, it would do nobody any good for you to continue to dwell upon it so intently."

Tom was right, Draco knew this. Tom was always right. Especially when these sort of things were concerned. He just needed to make sure everything went the way that he wanted it to. He did not want any mistakes. It would be horribly mortifying and Draco was never one to stop at passable anyways. He wanted perfection and he strived towards with with a relentless nature.

"I know," Draco agreed with a sigh. "I just want to make sure that nothing can go wrong. Nothing. I do not want to risk any mistakes, or any mess ups or mishaps." Tom smiled fondly. Such was the way of a Malfoy, and a Slytherin. There was a reason that Malfoys had always been considered the Princes of Slytherin.

"Everyone will perform their role admirably, I know it. There is no use in continuing to fuss with these things tonight. Especially since you are tired. You need to rest." Draco attempted to argue, but he already knew that he would not get anywhere. Where Tom was concerned, you did not argue. Draco got a pass, at times, but even he knew when to call quits. Now was not the time to question him.

"Fine," Draco reluctantly agreed. "We shall bring the plan sketch to Pucey tomorrow. I want to get his thoughts on it." Tom hummed his agreement.

"Wise choice," his agreed his eyes glinting with promise.

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