"Their toes, David, their called toes."

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 Garland woke up to the sound of the annoying and repetitive sound coming from his alarm clock. "Ugh..." he groaned, as slammed his hand on the clock with anger. "Finally..." he sighed with relief as he slowly put the blanket over his head. Then the pounding sound penetrated in his ear drums once more. He jumped up and kicked of the covers as he pulled out the clock from the plug in the wall. He rubbed his eyes with a passion but quicker stopped when he saw the date that was circled red on his "Star Trek" calendar. "Exam day? Really! I'm not even ready to leave yet!" He exclaimed. He pulled up his pants in a rush and he was down the stairs in a rush. He ran past his favorite donut shop, "Donuts with Sam" and headed towards to cyber bus on Main Street. He barely managed to catch it. Soon, he looked up at the school and ran inside. Once, he got inside he knew he had to walk or speed walk to the classroom because the deduction bots would deduction two points from his maestro board. He safely made it inside of the classroom and just in time for the exam to begin as well. "Welcome students! As you know this is the final examination and you early for it. Due to this, if you check you're maestro board, you have given 2 extra points to your numbered life score!" Many students mouthed, "Yes!" Mrs. Palmer blowed the sliver whistle in which it silenced the classroom. "As I was saying, you're final exam will be in the-" The door slammed shut and everyone shifted their head to the top of the staircase of the hall to see Blaze. "What are all of you punks looking at? Oh, heyyyyyy Mrs. Palmer!" She said with a smile. "You're late, Blaze, I have to deduct one point for your lateness, please take a chair." She walked down and sat next to Garland, who picked up his backpack on the chair to make room for her. "Hey loser, what are you so worked up for?" She whispered, as she unpacked her handbag. "Final exam today, remember?" "Today? I had no idea." They focused their attention on Mrs. Palmer, so they don't lose anymore points. "The exam will take place in the 1600's, you'll be provided with clothes in which you're job is to blend in with normal life. If you cause any problems and mess with history in anyway, you will be revoked from taking the exam, brought back to the college and would have to restart this year. Also, seven points would be deducted from you. Are we understood?" After this sentence along came a sea of, "Yes, Mrs. Palmer." came from the classroom. "You'll be bolted in different parts of the map in Ireland. You're allowed to meet up with friends and strategize how you're gonna blend in for four weeks."   People excitedly started to talk to each other. "We're time jumping for the finally exam today? Really?" Said Blaze, who was not trilled to hear what she just heard. "Come on, its gonna be fine, you'll have fun!" He replied. "Let me look at these outfits I look like a middle aged woman, where's the funk at?" He laughed and replied with, "Look at me Blaze, I look like Simon Cowell in these trousers!" "You look like the Walmart version of him." "Speaking of Cowell, we should meet up! Maybe at Cahir?" "Hopefully, I get spawned close to there" he said, positive that he might. They stepped into flow mechanism and hoping for the better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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