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As Jo entered the pit she saw the chaos that had unravelled while she was eating it was utter chaos

Jo: HUNT!, Where do you want me?
Owen: just grab a gurney and get to work

Jo ended up staying in the pit for over 4 hours working on several different patients, by the time she had done her shift was over so she headed to the lockeroom. She had almost forgot about Alex and that she had to face him at Mers, the chaos of the pit made her forget about last night's events, yet she got her stuff and headed to Mers

Jo walked through the door to see Alex sat on the couch with Zola watching her favourite TV show

Jo: Hii
She said dropping her bag on the floor and heading towards the couch
Alex: hi, everyone's in the kitchen making dinner

Jo diverted off her path to the couch to head to the kitchen

Jo: hi guys
Mer: hi Jo
Maggie: would you like some food?
Jo: omg yess I'm so tired and it smells so good
*Everyone proceeded to get their food and sit in front of the TV*

After everyone had finished eating Jo offered to help Mer tidy up and wash the dishes, Mer and Jo headed towards the kitchen to start cleaning up

Jo: Mer?
Mer: yes
Jo: ermm... I'm thinking of moving back into my place, I think I would feel more comfortable there
Mer: just because Alex is back doesn't mean your not welcome here you know that right?
Jo: yes it's just I think ready and want to move back to my place
Mer: if that's what you want go for it
Jo: thanks mer

You see when alex left Mer asked Jo to move in with her so she wouldn't be on her own and to make sure she was okay but now that Alex is back that has changed

(The next day link helped Jo move back into her place)

Link: are you sure your okay?
Jo: yes link I'm fine, I promise
Link: fine, I'll be back tonight with beer and takeout, yes?
Jo: yes
*Link leaves Jo to get sorted*

Later that day Alex stopped by after his shift

*The door is knocked*

Jo: coming!
*Jo opens the door to see Alex standing there"
Jo: Alex what are you doing here?
Alex: hi to you too
Jo: sorry I was just shocked
Alex: it's fine, I just wanted to see how you were since we haven't really spoken since I can back
Alex: also you don't have to move out of Mers house just because I'm there
Jo: I know, I want to come back here, it's my home

Jo and Alex talked for a half hour about everything and anything really, Jo felt a sense of hope that maybe just maybe they could come back to each other

Later that night after Alex left link returned with beer and takeout just like he promised earlier, Jo could tell link anything and she knew he would help

Jo: Alex came round earlier
Link: oh, are you okay?...did anything happen?
Jo: nothing like that we just talked for a bit but I kinda found comfort in having a conversation with him
Link: he left you with a letter for an explanation he couldn't even say goodbye in person, you were heartbroken
Jo: I know...I know, I think I just missed him you know?
Link: just be careful okay?...I don't want you to get hurt again
Jo: I'll be carefull I promise...

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