Chapter 6 playing Bitch (Mario)Cart

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(Sorry that the picture doesn't really follow the chapter but I thought it was kinda cute) 

 ~~~~y/n's POV~~~~ 

After agreeing to play Mario Ben grabbed his Nintendo and put it on the consul (whatever it's called to put it on the tv) that made the tv turn on and have his screen on there. He put the game card in and started the software then gave me a remote while saying, "here." "Thanks," I said while grabbing the remote.

He pushes 2 player blah blah blah all that then I chose link as my character (this is Mario 8) the maser cycle, and the tires that go with it. Ben picks Luigi (I really don't know what Ben would pick besides link, so I did Luigi because he had a lot of green) and ramdom stuff for his vehicle. 

He picks the triforce cup and starts the game. 3, 2, 1, START!/GO! (I forgot which one it was sorry) you pushed the gas button at 2 so it gave you a rocket blast. (Or head start whatever you call it)

You were in 5th place but then Ben had glitched himself in 1st place, 'cheater'.  "Hey you fucking asshole, that's not right!" You yelled in anger since you were a VERY competitive person, especially at video games.

"Well to bad sucker!" He said. 'I'll teach him something' you thought as you made your way to 3rd place and hit the 2nd round. You got a mystery thingy and got a blue shell, you threw it and it knocked the person in second to spin then hit place and Ben. "Take that fucker!" You said no yelled in a felling close to victory as you made your way to 1st place. 

"Don't get yourself to hyped up kitten," he said as he glitched to the 3rd round which made him first place. 'This bitch'  " IM GOING TO BREAK YOUR VIDEO GAMES IF YOU DON'T STOP GLITCHING!" You yelled in anger. "No not the video games they did nothing to you, I'm sorry I'll stop!" He said sounding truthful. 

'Ha as if, I would never hurt my baby'  you thought as you crossed the finish line going into the last lap. Ben was about to cross the finish line and you were still a round behind. He won and did a little victory dance. He's such a kid. You finished 2nd while he was in 1st. "I won~ I won~," he song as he was doing a mini dance. "Yeah because you cheated Idiot," you said breaking his dance. "Well how else am I supposed to win?" He said. 

"By playing fair!". "Ohhhhhhhhh," he said like he had just found the cure to Covid. 

"Your so stupid Ben," I said, "hey~ I might be stupid but I'm not a idiot," he said defending himself. "Almost the same thing," I say breaking his defense. "Almost. But it's not the same thing," he says back with a little grin. "Whatever glitchy," I say while I roll my eyes. 

~~~ramdom kid that was playing Mario cart POV's~~~

I was playing Mario cart and then Luigi just vanished. I'll tell you again, VANISH! Then he was in 1st place! What kinda hacker is this?! 


He's more than just a hacker. Anyways pls tell me how I did and hope you enjoyed. (558 words)

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