Why I Love You (Chapter 2)

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Me: (They go outside)

Me: (The group goes to the library to talk in private about the plan)

Emma: Thanks again Norman for helping me out back there

Norman: Anything for you Emma (I smile brightly at her)

Me: I'm sorry if this seems a little Noremma right now, The tea will be spilt later~

Ray: (I see Norman and Emma talking while I'm sitting at the table, I hate to admit it but..I think I'm jealous of Emma)

Emma: Ray, So I've been thinking..And I think that our best bet is to take the wall, And ensure that even the little kids are trained to escape as well

Ray: Sounds great Emma (I give her two thumbs up and forcefully smile)

Norman: Is..Is something wrong Ray you don't seem like yourself today..(I say with a concerned look on my face)

Ray: I'm perfectly fine Norman

Norman: But-

Ray: I said I was fine! (I say throwing my book on the floor, I storm out of the room)

Me: (It's silent for a few minutes..)

Gilda: /Wow the tension in here is so thick you could cut it with a knife/

Don: (I clear my throat) Emma, Norman, Gilda, Just how exactly are we supposed to train everyone here, and ensure they won't be tired of running

Norman: We can play tag to train their bodies to be able to endure harsh conditions, and to run for long periods of time

Emma: Great plan norman (I smile at him)

Me: (They keep planning for a bit.. )

Norman: Great..then It's settled..

Emma: yep!

Don: okay

Gilda: sounds like a plan!

Norman:...well I guess I'll go check on ray..

Emma: Ok, I'll go see what Phil's up to (I walk out)

Gilda: /I should probably follow Norman..To at least see what's with this tension between him and ray../

Gilda: (I follow Norman to the room)

Norman: (I walked into the room where ray was, and shut the door)

Gilda: (I put my ear beside the door and try to listen in)

Norman: Hey Ray..(I say walking towards him)

Ray: what do you want norman..(I say with my head down)

Norman: I wanted to ask you why you got so upset earlier..(I sit on his bed)

Ray: It doesn't matter norman..

Norman: Ray..does it have something to do with Emma?

Ray: S-So what if it does?

Norman: ray..do you like emma?

Ray: what..no why would I like emma?! (I say looking upset and confused)

Ray: Norman..you're such a smart person..That's why I don't get why you're being such an Idiot!

Norman: W-What are you talking about ray..(I look surprised )

Ray: (I lean in and kiss Norman)

Norman: mnph-

Norman: w-why would you do that?! (I start to panic)

Ray: Why not..you are the one I like after all..(I smirk)

Norman: w-what-(I blush)

Gilda: (I hear everything..)

Gilda: /Oh my goodness! Ray likes Norman!/

Gilda: (I walk away not intending to eavesdrop anymore)

Me: Warning: Here's where it gets naughty..You have been warned..

Me: (By the way, you can see them any age, for me it's 17)

Ray: You liked that didn't you~ (I whisper in Norman's ear)

Norman: W-What are you talking about..T-That would be-

Ray: Shut up..And enjoy my touch~

Norman: r-ray~

Me: *Nosebleeds*

Norman: R-Ray~

Ray: That's not my name Norman~

Phil: (I walk past Ray's room and hear moaning) r-ray?

Emma: (I walk in the hallway and see Phil running away from a room, I follow him)

Emma: (I bump into Mama)

Isabella: Emma where are you going?

Emma: um..There's some strange noises coming from Ray's room..

Isabella: (I put my ear next to the door and hear: ahh~)

Isabella: Lord-What's happening in there?! *nosebleeds*

Isabella: lets go emma (I quickly rush emma away from ray's door)

Me: I am so sorry but-You've been warned~


* To clarify, /text/ Means The Character Is Thinking The Text In Their Head

*  (text) Means The Character Is Doing This Action

*text* Means This Is What The Character Is Physically Doing, Pretty Much The Same As (text) 

* text...text, Is when A Character Is Taking A Short Pause From Speaking

* text~, Means The Character Is Saying These Words Either With Sarcasm, Or To Appear Teasing

It's Complicated.. Norray//Emma x Gilda//Little 13+Where stories live. Discover now